Chapter 4

455 11 6

*A week later...*

Class Groupchat


ProteinMom: Alright

ProteinMom: Has anyone seen Mikado?

ProteinMom: I haven't seen him for a week at class

ChaoticBitch: Why do you care about him?

ChaoticBitch: Classes aren't mandatory anyway

FireDad: He's got a point

FireDad: Mikado used to attend class regardless of that

Sorta: I also agree

Sorta: Hajime and Emma used it due to their internships

Sorta: Hibiki and Kanade with their band

Sorta: The rest of us if we were sick or had club stuff

Sorta: And Syobai in general because he doesn't give a shit about class

PainterGirl: Has no one seen him in the dorms?

PainterGirl: He cooks a lot so someone must have seen him in the kitchen

Emmy: Nope haven't seen him there either

LuckyBoi: This is kinda worrying

SpaceBoi: Just leave him

SpaceBoi: He's a grown man he can take care of himself

ChaoticBitch: I agree

Koko-Puffs: He's still our classmate

EyeforEye: Koko-chan makes a good point

EyeforEye: Sure no-one really liked him but he still is one of our classmates

EyeforEye: We should see if he's okay at least

Sorta: Alright let's just all tag him in this chat

Sorta: He's bound to see it

Sorta: @MagicBoi

LuckyBoi: @MagicBoi


FireDad: @MagicBoi

ProteinMom: @MagicBoi

SpaceBoi: Not doing it

ChaoticBitch: Me either

EyeforEye: @MagicBoi

Koko-Puffs: @MagicBoi

*MagicBoi has left the group chat*

ChaoticBitch: What the fuck!?

Emmy: Why did he just leave??

EyeforEye: Someone try adding him back in

*Sorta added MagicBoi back into the chat*

*MagicBoi left the chat*

Melody: Alright now he's just doing it on purpose

Melody: Just leave him alone

Melody: If he ain't going talk just leave him be

Melody: It's his own problem now

Sora -> Yuki

Sora: I'm going message him privately just to make sure he's okay

Sora: He might be doing it because there are too many people

Yuki: Okay

Sora -> Mikado

Sora: Hey Mikado

Sora: It's Sora

Sora: You haven't been to class so I'm just checking up

Sora: Everything okay?

Mikado: Yeah I'm fine

Sora: Better not be lying to me

Sora: Then why did you leave the group chat?

Mikado: Because I don't need it.

Mikado: It's not like anyone's going include me in their chats

Mikado: If that's all I'm going to practice my magic

*Mikado went offline*

Sora -> Yuki

*Sora sends screenshot.jpg* (Screenshot of the chat Mikado and Sora had)

Sora: Something feels off

Yuki: You think we should go to Kokoro?

Sora: Let's do it later, together

Sora: Not through the group chat

Sora: We don't want everyone worrying yet

Yuki: Ok

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