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?? just arrived back to her dorm room, humming a tune as she pulled out her phone and noticed a voicemail was there, as well as a missed call from [REDACTED]. She played the voicemail as she set her bag down.

"Hello there ??. We hope you've been well. Just a reminder that we expect to see some of your work this week when you come to visit during the weekend. Last time, your work was not very good, so we expect better this time ??. You are the Ultimate [REDACTED] for a reason. We are very excited about when Winter Break comes around and you can come, and continue your training. We have very high expectations for you, so we hope you do not let us down. We will see you then"

?? felt tears running down her face as she gripped her phone, throwing it on the bed and flopping onto it as well. "Why can't it just end...?"  She thought as she saw the calendar on the wall across her room, and the date circled near the end of the month, on Halloween.

"This time...I will escape...I will never go back there...not anymore..."

To be continued in Crybaby - SDRA2 Fanfic (Book 2)


Thank you so much for the support on this book! I hope you all look forward to Crybaby! The first chapter releases next week! Additionally, the results of the poll will be available through my Wattpad Announcements and/or my Instagram, both linked in my bio! See you soon!

- Admin

Monster - SDRA2 Fanfic (Book 1) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now