18 - To Conclude

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Lloyd's POV

We all decided that only a couple of us should be in the room when we ask him about what the doctor told us as we didn't want to overwhelm him.

So, we decided that Andy, Oli, Kellin and I would be the ones to go in and ask about it.

And that's just what we did when we found out he had woken up.

"Hey Nick" Kellin smiled and the boy smiled back.

"They told you what was wrong right?" I asked and the injured boy nodded, aware of what had happened to himself.

"Okay, so....I- we, we need to ask you something" Oli hesitated and Nick grew confused, expecting one of us to begin speaking again, but we all ended up staying silent in hopes that someone else would take the burden of asking.

"What's up?" He asked quietly once he realized we were all deep in thought, trying to think of a way we could ask this.

"Okay...so, with all the injuries, including past ones. The doctors are....suspicious" Andy began, thankfully starting us off.

"Suspicious of what?" Nick sat up, confused as to what was going on.

"Nick, let's be honest here. These and many of the other injuries weren't caused by bullies were they?" Nick looked down, knowing he wouldn't get out of this.

"No- no, they weren't" he spoke quietly again, almost ashamed of the truth.

"Can you maybe tell us who did do it then?" Kellin pushed, hoping to to get something out of the boy.

Nick shook his head hesitantly, now fidgeting with his hands. Oli went and sat down on the end of the bed and lifted his legs to sit criss crossed.

"Okay, how about we cut to the chase" I spoke aloud, wanting the best for Nick.

"Nick, please be completely honest with us....was the people that hurt you- was, are they your current guardians?" I asked, trying to word it differently but realizing I'd just stuttered pretty much the entire sentence out afterwords and it didn't really make any sense. But you could understand the premise so it would have to do.

Nick looked up, making eye contact with all three of us with teary eyes.

"It is....isn't it?" Andy continued, Oli now patting the boys back as the tears fell.

Nick nodded, now looking down again before looking back up.

"They- they said it would be worse if I told anyone" his voice cracking and more tears falling.

"Hey, it's okay. You're safe here, we just need to tell the nurse" Oli added and Nick just nodded against his chest as he'd now hugged the boy.

Andy got the idea and went to get a nurse. Once Nick finally admitted to it, we spent the next 20 minutes staying to listen what they did upon Nick's request. He wanted us to stay to comfort him so we did.

But some of the things they did were absolutely awful, how the hell could someone do that to another, especially if they're supposed to be the ones to take care of them.

The police were sent to his house and we haven't had any other news just yet.

"Thank you" Nick's small voice spoke from the bed, all of our heads (now all of us were back in the room) turning in the direction of him.

"Hmm?" Awsten questioned.

"Thank you....for everything...you guys....you guys saved me, as cringy as that sounds" he let out a dry chuckle.

"We're just glad that you're okay physically now, and good on you for finally admitting it was going on, that takes guts" Patty smiled and the boy grinned back, understandably proud of himself.

I left the room for a second to call my mum, I wanted to do something special for Nick, but I needed her permission. We didn't have to talk long, the decision was pretty much mutual from the beginning.

Boy am I excited to tell him the news.

But I can't just yet.

I need to wait and see what is going to happen with his foster parents.


Okay I'm so sorry about how short this is, I'm trying lol. Anyway, I think there's just gonna be an epilogue and then this book is finally done. I'm sorry that it seemed so rushed towards the end but I just lost all form of motivation for it oops-

I hope this chapter wasn't too short, random and bad 😂

Hopefully the last chapter will be done soon.

Peace ✌🏻

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