Chapter 25: The Graduation Ball

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May faded into June pretty quickly. For most of the 7th years, time couldn't pass any slower. Everyone spent every waking moment studying for N.E.W.T's. But finally, (even though it was the longest week ever), the dreaded exams were over with. Don't get her wrong, Lily was the most thankful person for not having to take her N.E.W.T's because of the tournament, but, it was taking up all of her boyfriends time. Finally, Lily was off the hook, but, Lorcan, was definitely not. But now, finally, it was all behind them. Lily was tired of trying to snap Lorcan out of his nerves, reassuring him that he had done fine. Right now though, after all this time, it truly hit them both in the face. N.E.W.T's over. The last major exams. There was only a few weeks of school left. For the rest of their lives. Because of the business of the tournament, that kind of slipped all of their minds.

Lily was thinking all of that on her way out to the Hogwarts grounds. Finally, with Lorcan's exams out of the way, Lily finally got a chance to have some alone time with her boyfriend. Lorcan had asked her earlier to meet him out on the Quidditch Pitch just to go for a fly with him. Lily of course said yes. It had been forever since she had just gone on a care-free, simple, fly. (Well, not counting the time with Hugh, but that had a different vibe to it.) And, with no Quidditch this year, Lily loved going to the Pitch even more.

When she got there, she saw her soft curled brown haired, hazel eyed, boyfriend standing there with her Firebolt 2 and his Comet4500 in his hands.

"Hey." Lily greeted with a warm smile, which was automatically returned to her.

"A nice warm night for a fly, eeh." Lorcan said, but before he could say anything else, he felt a pair of lips on his. It was a quick peck, and it was over before he preferred it to be, but it was still full of meaning. 

"I couldn't agree more." Lily said, looking directly at Lorcan. Wow she was breathtaking. The multicolored light from the setting sun reflected perfectly on her freckled, fair skin.

"Well, I would like to propose a friendly competition, if that's okay with you. Just one on one. Whoever catches the snitch wins." Lorcan said playfully, pulling a tiny, buzzing, Golden Snitch out of his pocket. He knew Lily very well. She was the most competitive person he ever met. Lily's definition of relaxing would probably involve some kind of competition.

"You're on Scamander!" Lily responded in a playful tone, already mounting her broom and taking off. Lorcan just shook his head, heard her big, loud, wonderful, laugh, and saw her fiery red hair whip through the wind.

"Hey! That's not fair! You got a head start!" Lorcan responded in the same kind of tone, laughed, and took off after her.


Lily and Lorcan basically just pushed the Snitch out of each other's way for an hour. Lily could have easily caught it in the first 5 minutes Lorcan released it, but, it was really nice to just enjoy this relaxing, alone time with her boyfriend. Eventually though, Lily did give in, and easily brought the Snitch into her grasp. She gave Lorcan a look, and then headed towards the ground.

Once they were landed, Lorcan said, "For Gryffindor's Captain, Lead Seeker, and Harry Potter's daughter, it sure took you a long time to catch that thing," with a smirk on his face.

"Maybe I was trying to give you a chance. But clearly, I still succeeded." Lily tried to argue back, but ended up having a case of the giggles. But, just as she was about to say something else, she felt the Snitch vibrate oddly in her hand. So, she opened her hand, and saw the Snitch crack open, and the tiniest piece of parchment came out.

"Lorc, what's this?" Lily asked curiously, and gazed at the broken Snitch and tiny parchment in her hands.

"Just unfold it." Lorcan said, in a different tone. Maybe something like..., hopeful?

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