Chapter 3: Rose and Scorpius's Wedding

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At the end of Lily's epic week with Luna, something else good was going to happen that Lily was looking forward to. Scorpius and Rose's wedding. Scorpius and Rose had gotten engaged about a year ago, actually, the exact same day they graduated from Hogwarts. Scorpius had proposed to Rose in the sweetest way, while they both were giving their valedictorian speeches. Lily knew that school was special to them for some reason, and she was happy for her older cousin.

Lily and Rose had always been close. Sometimes, it wasn't like they had that two year age gap. The two were like sisters, that's how tight they were. Rose had always told Lily everything, and the same the other way around. Lily knew every detail from back when Rose denied that she fancied Scorpius Malfoy, and now every detail of how Rose thought Scorpius's little snores were adorable. Lily just smiled when she thought about it that way. Now, the two were getting married. Lily was happy that Rose had found someone. Not just someone, Lily knew that the two were perfect for each other. Soulmates even. That was why Rose had picked Lily to be her maid of honor.

Anyways, Lily had returned from Luna's yesterday, and today was the day of the wedding. Lily was excited, but, one thing did drag her down. Back before the school year ended, and before the incident had occurred, Lily had asked Nick to be her date for this wedding. Even though Lily had an awesome and cheerful week Luna, Lorcan, and Lysander, she was still very upset about being cheated on. She now realized, she would be the only one without a date. Albus had Caroline. James had Maddison. Hugo had Daisy. Rose had wanted her cousins and family to bring their dates.

But, for a little bit, Lily's mind was taken off that when Ginny had come in her room to wake her up. As soon as Lily heard Ginny's voice, she immediately woke up. Despite not having a date, Lily was excited for the day. She thought it was going to be fun. Teddy and Victorie's wedding had been fun.

Then, Ginny left the room, and Lily walked to the bathroom to take a shower. To her relief, no one had used the shower yet, so she would have all the hot water she would need. With herself, Albus, Caroline, and since James was staying for a few days, hot water was a rare thing. Sure, she could cast a simple spell, but something about naturally hot water felt nice on her body that was completely covered in freckles.

Lily decided that she would treat herself and take her time in the shower. She shampooed and conditioned her long, straight, red hair, (which the pink highlights were now gone. Luna's enchantment was correct, Lily's highlights had only lasted a few days.), and massaged her scalp. She had to make sure her hair was completely washed, since that was a very important factor of being a made of honor in a wedding. Or, also known as, an excuse to take a few extra minutes in the hot shower. Either or. Eventually, Lily did decide to get out of the shower, after five minutes of hearing James beat on the door, and telling her to hurry up in there. Lily casted a drying charm on her hair and body, wrapped up in a warm towel that she casted a spell on before she got in, so it would be nice and warm when she got out, and let her oldest brother have the bathroom.

Once Lily got back to her room, she stripped off her towel, and put on the pretty, dark green, bridesmaids dress that Rose had picked out. After Lily had the dress on, she walked over to the mirror to observe herself. Rose did a good job. The grass was gorgeous. Of course, Lily did rock anything she wore, but, this dress in particular, looked pretty good. What made it this great in Lily's eyes, was, the back was completely open. Since her skin was exposed, you could clearly see her new lily flowers tattoo. Luna had really did a good job. Lily loved it because it wasn't too big. It was just the perfect size, inching from her lower neck, to just a few inches down.

After giving herself a good checking out, Lily walked downstairs. She didn't do her hair or makeup yet because Aunt Fleur and Victorie were going to do the bride's and all of the bridesmaid's hair and makeup. Those two really had a talent for those kinds of things.

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