"I can see right through you. You wear pretty costumes and you say the right things. But I can see whats underneath that mask. I can see your lies. The manipulation." Slade walked backwards down the central aisle, making his way to the back of the church. "You used a fathers love for his son to complete your mission."

"You killed my friend. You murdered the innocent. You're a monster." Dick spat at Deathstroke.

"As are you, don't act like were a different breed." Slade replied. "Watch closely son." Slade said as he slid his helmet on. "This is what happens to Titans."


Dick stood in the living room of the tower staring out at the city, though it looked a little different now. All the furniture was wrapped up and packed bags were sitting by the entrance. It wasn't lit up by the lively nature of Jericho or his friend Jacob anymore. Jericho was dead, and nobody had seen Jacob after his migraine a few days before. They hadn't been able to locate him, and had given up as Jericho's death hit them.

Hank, Dawn, and Donna entered the room, carrying their own bags. Dick turned around to face them.

"I guess this is--" Dick was cut off when Hank picked up his other bag by the entrance and walked to the elevator. Dick looked down and then back at Dawn.

"Dawn..." he started.

"Don't" she said and walked with her suitcase over to the elevator with Hank.

"I'll be in New York if you ever need a place to crash." Donna said.

"Thank you." Dick replied. Donna nodded slightly and then followed the others to the elevator.

Dick watched as the elevator doors closed and they descended, abandoning the tower.


All of the Titans sat around the tower kitchen, some standing, some seated in chairs or even perched on the counter tops. They all watched Dick, who had called the meeting even if none of them knew why just yet.

"I lied." Dick started. "I lied to you guys because I was afraid you would leave this place...and me...and if that happened there would be no Titans." He took a deep breath before continuing. "and I lied to you guys too." he said, looking around at the original titans.

"I told you that Jericho was dead when I got to the church. He wasn't." Dick continued. "He died trying to save me from his father." He finished.

The entire room was silent.

"I'm sorry." He said and crossed his arms. "You all deserve more."

Hank stood up and walked over to Dick. He stared at him for a few moments and then punched him before anyone could intervene or stop him. Kory stood up from her seat.

"You lying sack of shit." Hank spat.

"How many other fucking half truths have you told us?" Donna asked, rightfully angry.

"At least you got a half truth." Rachel said bitterly.

"My brothers dead because of you." Rose said. "I'm out." She said and stood up, leaving the room.

"I'm going with her." Jason stated and stood up.

"Jason-" Dick started.

"You don't decide what I do anymore. What anyone does." Jason said before he left the room, following Rose.

"I'm out too." Donna said, beginning to walk away.

"I'm going with Donna." Rachel said and then looked at Donna for confirmation. "Can I come with you?"

"Sure" Donna said, and then went to go pack.

"Rachel..." Gar began.

Rachel turned to face her green haired friend. "I can't stay here anymore."

Hank looked over at Dawn. "Lets go." Dawn nodded and the two walked away.

And that quickly, the tower was nearly empty again.


Three cabs were parked outside the tower, and Dick watched from inside the tower as each pair climbed into the backseat of their respective vehicles.

He turned when he hear Gar call his name from the Control Room.

He began to walk that way, but began to jog when Gar called his name again, sounding more urgent. He made it to the control room within a minute and looked questioningly at Gar, wondering what was so urgent.

Gar gestured wordlessly at the portion of the screen set up they had designated for Katarina's cell camera feed. Except it wasn't Katarina pacing around the cell anymore.

Jacob stood in the center of the cell, signing rapidly at the camera. 

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