chapter 1: leaving

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^thats kyle stanton^
3 years into the future-
i woke up in a pile of blood not even sure if it was my own... i looked around wondering where everyone was, did they kill them did they flee leaving me here to die, i might never find out based on my condition.

"mom, dad please dont make me go!you cant make me go!"
"kyle yes we can you have to go this is a big deal to us"
"how can you even afford this"
"they said you got a scholarship"
"thats impossible i only went to school for 5 years, and besides you guys need the help around here we can barely afford a thing"
"kyle you dont have a choice now go pack your things"

i dont want to leave, i cant just abandon my family.

the next day -

"goodbye kyle we'll miss you" my parents said as they were holding in their tears
"i really dont have to leave i can stay with you guys"
"no you cant" my mom said as she forcefully pushed me onto the train
"please, please dont make me go" i say as i was starting to cry
"remember to keep your phone near" they say with insensitivity as the train was pulling out of the station

as soon as the train started gradually making its way out of the city i found my seat at the back of the train. i pulled put my laptop and started searching the web mostly to give me something to do but to also give me a chance to study. at my old school i didnt necessarily care about grades, but its different at this school. everyone here comes from barons, the wealthy and here i am basically from the gutters.
i will not make a fool of myself.

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