Inner Demons and Dementors

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This year my mom couldn't take me so I spent the whole summer with my dad.

A few hours before we leave for Hogwarts my dad sits down beside me for breakfast. We're at a diner a few blocks from Kings Cross. I notice he pulled out a copy of the Daily Prophet. "You shouldn't have that out here, dad." I whisper. "Why?" He asks. "Muggles aren't exactly used to the photos on their papers moving." I say. "Ah." He begins folding his paper and I see a strange man on the front page. "Who is that?" I ask. "Sirius Black. He escaped from Azkaban." He says. "But I thought it was like, impossible to escape from that place?" I say. "It is. But Sirius doesn't play games. I'm surprised you're just hearing of this." He says giving me a look. "You know I don't pay attention to that shit." I say. "Language." He says, glaring at me. "Sorry." I mumble. "Well regardless of not 'paying attention to that shit', you should know. He's very dangerous, Emerson. You need to be careful." He warns. I nod and finish my coffee.

We arrive at the train station and join the rest of the students and their parents through the brick wall. I look around and see Fred and George. They run over to me and give me a big hug. "Oakleyyy!!" Fred says screwing with my hair. "Dad, this Is Fred and George Weasley." I say. My dad shakes their hands. "It's nice to meet you sir." They say together. "Please, call me Miron." My dad says. Mr. Weasley comes over and introduces himself. Him and my dad start talking about stuff at the Ministry and I zone out. George pulls my sleeve. "We're going to board, wanna come?" He asks. "Sure." I hug my dad goodbye and George and I start walking. "By the way, nice boobs." George teases. My eyes widen in embarrassment. I try to playfully punch his arm but he duck out of the way and into the train.

Even though he was just messing with me, he wasn't wrong. Puberty hit me, hard. I grew a bit taller, I slimmed out quite a bit and lost the squeaky voice. Not to mention the boobs, ass and raging hormones that came with it.

I look around the platform and my eyes land on Draco. I get butterflies in my stomach when I see him. He too, had hit puberty over the summer. He was taller, he looked older. Less cute and more.. well.. hot. His hair was no longer slicked back. It was messy, but in a good way. He was talking to his mom. His voice was deeper, the sound of it added on to the butterflies that already created a nice home in my stomach.

He says bye to his mom and turns. He makes eye contact with me. We stare at each other for a minute. I wanted to look away but everything in me said to continue to look into his beautiful icy blue eyes. He smirked at me. I can feel a blush creeping onto my cheeks so I pull my eyes away from his and step into the train.

I see Ginny wave at me so I go stand by her. "How was your summer?" I ask her. "Really good up until Sirius Black escaped. His escape has my dad really worried for Harry." She says quietly. I raise an eyebrow. "What does Harry have to do with it?" I ask her. "Not sure." She says. "Excuse me." I hear someone say. As the boy brushes past me his body touches mine slightly. I look up as he does the same, it was Draco. He was really close to me and I could smell his cologne. Ginny shoots me a look when Draco continues on, into a compartment with Crabbe and Goyle. "What?" I ask her. "What just happened?" She asks me smirking. "Nothing." I say. "The blush on your face says otherwise." She says, laughing. Crap. "Whatever." I mumble.

I walk through the train to get to the bathroom so I can change into my robes. The lights go out as the train stops. Suddenly I feel a chill crawl down the back of my neck. I shiver. I look at one of the compartment doors and see a slight frost creep up the side of it. I feel sad. like someone took all the happiness inside of me and tried to drown it in an ice cold lake. I want to run, but my legs won't move. I see something move up ahead. It was a shadow like thing. It moved swiftly, with every move it made I could feel the train getting colder. Whatever it was, it was coming towards me.

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