Chapter Six ~ I Think I Love You {The Doctor}

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Jemma Rose Pond ~ Hope

I can see tears come to her eyes as she places her finger on the words I had written when I first met her. When she was younger, I could already tell that she was struggling to find the light in her world of darkness.

She was a foster child, given away at birth, and drifting through the system until she finially landed in the open arms of my Ponds. They took her in, but she was still haunted by her past and the one question that foster children always ask: why would they give me away?

She spent her entire life waiting for me, stories of me were what distracted her from the monsters creeping into her dreams. When I first saw her I could immediately tell that she needed hope for a better life, a life with Amy, Rory...and me.

By drifting in and out I was giving her this hope, reminding her that I will always be there for her, that I will always be watching over her, and that she will always be protected.

In the five weeks that I have spent with her I have seen her eyes begin to sparkle even more, her constant smile growing wider and wider.

"You wanted to give me hope," she asks quietly. I give a small nod as I walk over and sit on one of the many hammocks places throughout my room.

"Did you get it?" She shrugs as she turns her back to me. I can see her raising her arm to wipe away her tears, her attempts to hide her sobs are slowly beginning to fail her.

"Jemma," I say. She turns and slowly begins to walk over me. I lay down and pat the area beside me, Time Lord technology, there will be enough room for the both of us.

She lays down next to me, her beautiful eyes staring into mine. I cautiously reach up and wipe away her tears. I'm a bit out of practice with the whole romantic situation, but I've been told I am quite good.

We sit like that for a while, just staring at each other until she lets out a deep yawn. She rolls over and pushes her body in closer to mine. I slowly raise my arm and place it protectively around her small body. I place my face close to hers and begin to softly kiss her up and down her neck, easing her into sleep. She lets out a sigh and moves her hand to take mine. I continue to kiss her until I feel her breathing slow and her arms go limp.

"Jemma Pond, my perfect girl," I whisper. "I've never said this to anyone ... but ... I think I ..." I take a deep breath. "I think I love you." I can feel her squeeze my hand, I must have woken her.

She rolls around to face me once again.

"I have waited my entire life for you, and you are more than I ever imagined you would be," she pauses and looks up at me. "And, my Raggedy Doctor, I think I love you too." I let out a small laugh and pull her closer so that we are just inches away from each other.

"Kiss me," she whispers so softly I barely hear.

"I'm a bit out of practice."

"And this will be my first," she says while running her finger down my chest.

"There's a first time for everything," I say as I demolish the distance between us. Her lips smash up against mine as I place my arms around her thin his and she touches my face.

We both can't help but giggle at our pure awkwardness around each other. When she finially pulls away she lays her head on my shoulder and looks up into my eyes.



"I can't put you through this any longer, we have to stop."

"What?" She places her hand on my shoulder. "What do you mean?"

"Sweetie I saw the fear in your eyes when you were with the Ood. You almost died Jemma, I just found you, I can't risk losing you again."

"But - but..." Tears begin to roll down her face and I slowly wipe them alway.

"I'll visit you every week, maybe go on an adventure or two. I just - I just can't risk losing you." She says nothing in return and I tilt her chin up and look into her eyes. "Okay," I whisper. She sighs and rolls her eyes.

"We'll you know what this means," she begins. "We better make the most of tonight." With that she pulls me closer and places her lips on mine once again.

"Raggedy Man," she sighs into my neck.



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