Meeting for the first time

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This is For Bio! Dad Bruce Wayne Month 2020. Day 1: Meeting for the first time.


Bruce was surprised to see Sabine Cheng, his childhood friend standing at his door. She hasn't talked to her since more than 5 years. One day she came to visit and the next day she was gone.
She cut all types of communications with him. He tried to call her but she changed her number. He mailed her but none were received or returned. It was like she was ignoring him. But what did he do to earn such hate? He can't remember anything he said. For real, he can't remember anything about that night before she left. But she was not answering him. He tried going her home but some man opened the door.

He put his best smile and asked,"Is Sabine home?"
"I'm sorry sir but the owner of this house sold this house to us a week ago." The man was looking confused. Bruce was Batman, he could easily tell that he was telling the truth.
"Oh" was the only thing he could say. He put his smile back,"Thank you for informing me sir and I apologize to disturb you."
The man nodded and went inside.

Bruce could have find her but if she was running away from him.................................
He gave her space and tried to figure out what he did to make her hate him so much. Even Alfred was concerned.
He took in Dick and Jason. He never told Jason about Sabine. Dick had already met Sabine. He, Alfred and Dick missed her everyday. Jason just wondered if he will ever meet her.
And now here she was, after five years of regretting what he didn't even know, here she was standing on his door with a five year old girl.
"Bruce." She greeted with a smile.
He returned the smile with his own genuine smile,"Sabine."
Alfred took her coat,"It's nice to see you again Miss. Sabine."
Sabine smiled,"I've missed you too Alfred. I am Mrs. now, I met a man Tom Dupain who is a baker in Paris. I live with him now."
Alfred smiled,"So this young lady is?"
Sabine smiled a sad smile,"I will tell you once we are inside."

They all sat in the living room. Dick came jumping with another boy in tug,"Auntie Sabine."
He hugged her. She returned the hug,"How have you been Dick and who is this young man?"
He pushed the other boy forward,"This is Jason. I am a big brother now Auntie. Jason this is Auntie Sabine, Bruce's childhood friend."
Jason awkwardly pulled out his hand,"I am Jason Todd."
She shook it,"I am Sabine Cheng and this is Marinette Cheng Wayne."
The whole room froze and then they looked at the girl. She was very cute. She had Black hair that shined blue in light which were pulled into two pigtails. Her eyes were the shade of blue Bruce's were and she had pale skin. She blushed at the attention.
Bruce called her,"Marinette, that's a lovely name. I am Bruce Wayne."
She blushed,"Thank you Mr. Bruce."
Sabine said,"This is your Grandpa Alfred."
She smiled at Alfred,"Hello Grandpa Alfred."
Alfred smiled and said,"Why don't you play with the young masters?"
She nodded and jumped off the couch. When the three children were outside, Sabine spoke.
"I am sorry for ignoring you but I-I was so scared, even thinking to talk to you. I was afraid you will be mad at me." Sabine said looking at her hands in her lap.
"I don't remember anything about that night. How did that happen?" Bruce asked.
She sighed,"We both went to a bar to catch up, someone gave you a spiked drink. You......I managed to get you home but I couldn't find it in myself to tell you so I ran away. I-I thought you will reject her." She was now crying.
Bruce reassured her,"I am not mad at you Sabine. Thank you for telling me, I want to help you raise our daughter. You are my best friend and nothing could change that. I want to see her grow in front of my eyes. "
Sabine looked at him with watery eyes," Thank you Bruce. Me and Tom wanted to give you a chance. It would have been cruel for you if I hid your daughter from you. I can't forgive myself for not telling you sooner."
He hugged her,"It's okay."
In the end they decided that Marinette will stay with Bruce in summer and with Sabine in winters.
Sabine said,"Promise me you will take good care of my baby."
Bruce nodded, seriously and took her hand in his,"I will do everything in my power to protect her. I promise."
Sabine talked to Alfred about her favorite foods and her favorite colors, hobbies while Bruce watched his three children play. She was like pure sunshine, her blue-bell eyes sparkling with joy and mischief. He didn't know what he did to deserve her.
He felt proud when both the boys made her laugh. He will never let anyone even think bad about his daughter and get away in one piece, that's for sure.


I am participating in bio-dad bruce wayne month. This is for day 1.
My Tumblr is Jasmehraj.



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