Who's The Boss? Tim Drake x Reader

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This was haphazardly written in response to an old request from kayariis I reread today so bear with me

Not edited

Your POV
You were in the bat cave with Tim, watching him do God knows what on his computer. You repeatedly glance around the room in an attempt to calm your nerves while Tim types in blissful ignorance of your nervous state.

You sigh and lean into your chair, chewing on your lip as your mind wonders to the talk you had with Damian and the reason you were here in the first place.

Now you have a huge crush on Tim. It's so blatantly obvious and literally everyone knows. Everyone but Tim. You've been dropping subtle hints but for someone so smart, he's actually a pretty dumb bitch. Pardon my French.

You even went to Damian for help, which, now that you think about it might not have been the best person to ask for relationship advice but what the hell, he's a cool guy.

Damian, very much irked by your presence, advices you to just make me first move because Tim was likely not going to catch on soon and you weren't sure you could wait any longer.

Alright, this has gone on long enough. You stand up and walk around the room before coming to a stop just behind Tim. Leaning your head onto his shoulder, you feel his body tense and you smirk slightly to yourself. "Ahh, Tim. What are you working on?" You ask with your lips slightly brushing his ear. You feel him shudder a bit as his cheeks heat up. "J-just cross checking the reports on our l-last case."

"Hmm, can I help then?" You ask, slipping from your position behind his chair and plopping down in his lap. A cheeky grin on your face as you watch his cheeks redden even more. "Uh, I'd love that but I'm already done for the day..." He says and shuts off the computer system..

You lean a bit closer when he turns to face you making your noses touch and your lips brush against each other. "(Y-y/n)..." He says and his eyes drift closed. Yasssssssss, this is my chance. You thought in internal glee, that is, until he froze up and turned away.

You furrowed your eyebrows and looked down in shame. "I'm sorry..." You said and bolted out of the room to do the only thing you could do at the moment. Kick Damian's ass. That little midget gave you bad advice. He must pay.

You run around through the house in search of the shitty little midget that gives shitty relationship advice. I knew it was a bad idea to ask Damian for help. You couldn't find him anywhere so you decided to go into his room. Yeah, his room is usually a no go area, so? You let out a battle cry while barging into his room.

Damian's head snaps up and he gazes at you with mild confusion written on his face. "FIGHT ME MIDGET!!!" You screamed and literally pounced on him. Damian just grabbed you mid air air and held you at arm's length. "What happened?" He asked with a bored yet irked expression on his face. You sighed and pouted, taking a deep breath so you could rant to the fullest. "Your advice didn't work, I think I made things worse. And it's all your fault, you little tool bag." He simply gave you a look of disbelief.

"Impossible." He said in a pompous tone. "My plan could never fail. You must have done something wrong. I knew you'd be incompetent of this simple thing."

You deadpanned. "Sure, blame me for this. Anyway, see ya midget. It's late and I gotta go contemplate my life choices." You say worming out of his grip and leaving the room to go pace outside Tim's door.

Alright. I can do this I can do this I can do this. Who am I kidding? I can't do this. He doesn't like me. I'm going to die alone- You're train of thought was interrupted by Tim sliding his door open and peeking out at you. "(Y/N)." He said and your eyes widen. "Oh, uh... Hey Tim, sorry about this. I was just passing by and- gaahhh." You let out a little scream when Tim latched onto your upper arm and pulled you inside his currently dark room. You heard the sound of the lick click and slowly turned to face him.

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