Forever and Ever

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"You ready?" Nikki popped her head into the room. Neil tugged on his jacket, trying to fix any wrinkles. He was nervous. He was so fucking nervous.

"Y-Yeah, I think so."

The girl bounced over to the brunet. "It's gonna be fine! You've been planning this for years!"

"Doesn't mean I'm not scared." Neil ran his hand through his hair. "What if he says no?"

"He's not gonna say no." Nikki almost laughed. "You've been together since you were fifteen, why would he say no?"

Neil shook his head. "I don't... I don't know."

"You're overthinking. Relax. We have a whole day of fun at Camp Campbell to do!" She grinned. "C'moooonnn!!"

"Okay, okay... let me just make sure I have everything..."

Nikki nodded and exited the room. Neil turned and started digging through the bag he was bringing. At the bottom was a small white box with a ring in it. It was hard to believe that today was the day that Neil was finally going to propose to Max after ten years of a relationship. Initially, he was going to keep his plan a secret, but two months after he got the ring, Nikki made a joke and Neil ended up spilling his secret. He told Nikki to keep it a secret, and as far as he knew, she did.

Neil's plan was to get the gang together and go spend a day at the place where they met. David was still working there and Neil easily convinced him to let the ex-campers visit (they were his favorite group, after all).

Everyone was ecstatic to go back. Most of them hadn't been in years and had only heard about all the changes from Max (David adopted Max almost fourteen years ago). Neil and Nikki had gone back a few times with Max, and honestly were surprised to see how much it did and didn't change.

        Neil pulled the bag over his shoulder and moved to the front door. Max, Dolph and Nurf were already at the camp, they had left two hours ago. The brunet walked outside and saw Ered's minivan. Nikki was in the passenger's (girlfriend privileges as she called it), and the only open seats were next to either Space Kid or Harrison. Neil sucked in a breath and trekked towards the vehicle. Nikki shot him a knowing glance, and Neil shot one back telling her to shut up.

The drive was full of excitement, and stress if you asked Neil. He knew Max would say yes, but he also didn't know if Max would say yes.

Before he knew it, he was at Camp Campbell, Nikki snapping her fingers to get her friend's attention. "Relax!" She whispered once she knew he was looking at her. "It's gonna be fine!"

Neil got out of the car, then looked inside of his bag. He poked at the white box.

"This is gonna be so much fun!" Space Kid suddenly shouted next to him, causing Neil to almost lose his shit. His paranoia was at an all-time high today.

"Yeah... fun." Neil swallowed.

After everyone got their stuff, they headed in the direction of the Mess Hall. It had been rebuilt a few years ago- since another group of campers completely destroyed it. They had done it out of spite. Not the fun kind of spite, the pure kind of spite.

When the trio found out about it... well, Neil was pretty sure they ended up traumatizing those kids.

They had it coming though.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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