Chapter 26. He's Surprisingly On Time For Once

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It had been a few months and I remained in the village to help pick up. It seemed like a flashback to a few years ago, but I also had to watch over some snot nosed brats too. This meant that the peace from last time was all gone, at times. Some children were very loud when they helped and constantly chattered to each other, themselves, an imaginary friend, or me. The imaginary friend child was an experience, but overall he was a nice kid and I was honored to be friends with his imaginary friend. That thing was the kid's world; of course I would be honored. 

Some of the children were very quiet and I could tell they were scared by what had happened. The Academy instructors discussed it with the parents, and decided that it was strongly recommended not to tell the children what had happened, except that we were attacked and everything is alright now. No details should have been given to the children. That would be information for them when they were older. I did my best to comfort those children and try to reassure them that the village was alright and everybody was safe. 

Some kids were little shits and I had wanted to punch them in the face on many occasions. Thankfully, I only had to deal with those little shits some days. When Etsuko and I had the same rotation together, I almost threw her across the village. She had given me so much hell that I wanted to bash my head against a wall on multiple occasions. There were many arguments we had gotten into and many students made a bit uncomfortable while others laughed at our bickering. I had begun to learn the meaning of patience when I realized how many less times I was threatening to smother her in her sleep. It was small progress, but it was progress. Well, I hadn't exactly learned the true meaning of patience because one day after being cool for many days, I gave her a warning of me dropping her grade in the Academy due to her pissing me off. Man, Iruka gave me almost as much hell as she did that day. 

Tsunade had awoken from her rest and began her Hokage duties right away. I had to hand it to her, she was determined. Kakashi Sensei was close to becoming the Hokage, but I guess she heard it in her sleep and knew that he was on the late side to ever attend any meetings. A while after she was able to meet me, we discussed me leaving the village again for any missions. It appeared that the reportings of me were still going around and I needed to stay in the village for my safety. That news wasn't received to lightly. 

It really affected me when Naruto and the others left for a Kage meeting. Oh my god. I wanted to rip off my head and throw it over to them so at least some part of me would be able to leave the village. Naruto was still trying to get Sasuke back and apparently made quite an impression on a few of the other Kages. When Tsunade and the others got back, Tsunade had a look that had a mixture of of "I want to kill you" and "I want to give you a hug". When I had talked to Naruto about the meeting, he mentioned that he had seen Sasuke and what Sakura had almost attempted to do. I felt awful for Naruto. He felt the betrayal of two teammates within a short amount of time. 

After that, whenever I could I would visit him and talk to him. Many times I cooked for him and put on a smile. Over time he began to feel better and his bruises on his heart from Sakura had healed. As much as I was mad at Sakura for what she had almost attempted to do, I couldn't stay mad at her for long. She and I talked at the BBQ restaurant one night. She explained to me how she felt about Sasuke and her good intentions. I wanted to grab her by her hair and slam her face onto the grill. However, teammates didn't do that so I had to remain composed. It took a while, but I forgave her and moved on. It bothered my mind when I thought about what I would do if I was Sakura and Sasuke was Naruto. It gave me shivers and sent a chill down my spine. I knew I wouldn't be the most clearly thinking person out there if the positions were switched.

A while after that, Naruto went off somewhere to train. I wasn't quite sure where he was training, but he was on his way there with a few others from the village like Guy Sensei and Rock Lee, so I knew that Naruto would be safe. Tsunade seemed busier than ever at that time, if it was even possible. Apparently some very big things were about to go down.

 After months of us barely seeing each other, Kakashi Sensei and I had planned a day for us to meet up and have lunch. This is going to be so nice. It's been a while since I saw that lame ass sensei. I grinned to myself as I walked down towards the new Ichiraku ramen. When the village was destroyed, Ichiraku followed like the rest of the buildings in town. There was no time wasted in trying to get a new Ichiraku building up.

That reminded me of Yamato, he had helped create so many buildings. It was amazing how much he was able to help and how many buildings he could create at a time. Of course, he had passed out a few times, but who could blame a person after using that much chakra. I felt bad for him, the village definitely did use Yamato to our best advantage. A small shiver ran down my spine when I thought of that and I forced myself to shake it off.

"Nice to see youm" Kakashi Sensei said to me as I slid onto the seat next to his. 

"Nice to see you on time, I even forgot to give you a fake time and everything." I chuckled to myself and looked over the menu. He glanced at me a second and had a smile on his face as he began to ruffle my hair. 

"I thought I would make exceptions after not seeing one of my favorite students after a few months." A huge smile forms on my face once I hear that. 

So I guess Kaka-Sensei can be on time for once. I thought to myself. My eyes scanned over the menu quickly again before I answered him. "Thank you, I feel so honored to be in your almighty and old presence."

"Old?" He spat the word out with disbelief and disgust. "I am still quite young last time I checked."

I wrinkled my nose and had a mischievous grin on my face as I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly. Ayame asks for our orders and we both order our food. Shit son, I was pumped to get my food. It had been a long while since I had been to Ichiraku and everybody knew that food that you haven't tasted in a long while always taste best when you eat it later on. Kakashi Sensei could tell how ecstatic I was to receive some Ichiraku ramen. I made a mental note to bring Naruto back to this place on a date with me when he gets back on his training. 

"Day dreaming about your lover?" He asked me with an amused expression and I began to choke on my own breath. My face turned a deep shade of red and I felt like hiding under a blanket for five years and punching Kakashi Sensei in the face. It was a nice, healthy balance of mixed emotions. 

I then snort. "You better make sure to shut your mouth because I will not hesitate to make you my bitch on command." 

He wags his right pointer finger at me. "Hey, I was about to become the Hokage a while back." 

"What a shit ass Hokage you would have been." I laugh a few seconds afterwards and Kakashi gives a chuckle. 

We continue to talk for a while and catch up on how each other have been and what we have been doing. It turned out that Kakashi had constantly been doing things for Tsunade since she decided that Kakashi was the shit. He seemed a bit tired from the all the work she has made him do, but he doesn't complain about it a whole lot. Well, he complained about it less than I would have if I was in his position. When I asked why Tsunade seemed busier than usual lately, his face was washed over with a serious demeanor and a grim look on his face. 

"We're going to go to war soon." 


Hello there! How is everybody? Anything new with you guys? How are your resolutions for 2k15 coming along so far? What are your resolutions for 2k15? Did you like this chapter? If so, what did you find good about it? Sorry if it feels like I'm rushing this, but I have cut out a good majority of things that have happened in Naruto Shippuden because I don't see a need right now for me to do fillers. Um, I rather try to keep a constant flow of the plot happening.

I hope you guys have a wonderful week and smile. c: Farewell cutie patooties! Btw, the video on the side is just a humorous video I adore. It's my freaking jam. 

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