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This human whose blood appealed so much to me, who I didn't want to kill, wanted to talk to me? I stared at him. He was still waiting for my reply. 

"I can't," I breathed, quickly sucking in a searing breath so I could talk.

Jake's face fell. My instincts had told me to say yes, to get him alone where I could finally taste... No, I wouldn't even think about his blood.

"Please?" he asked, still looking hopeful. "Just five minutes."

I nodded, seeing that he wouldn't go away until I talked to him.

I lead Jake outside, where the wind could provide me air that wasn't saturated with his scent. I rounded on him and demanded, "What do you want?"

Jake seemed stunned by the ringing, musical voice coming from my lips. He pulled himself together and asked me, "Do you remember me?" A nod from me.  "What's your name?"

Trying not to let him see how much I wanted to kill him, I replied, "Ashleigh. Why?"

"Ashleigh," he murmured. In a louder tone, he continued, "Ashleigh, I need to ask you something very important."

I stared at Jake again, curious this time. He took a deep breath, as though steeling himself. "Will you go out with me?"

"WHAT?" I yelled, shocked. That was not what I had expected. 

Jake shuffled his feet awkwardly. 

"Well, if you don't want to... I mean, I know we haven't really..." he mumbled.

I took a deep breath, and then immediately regretted it, because Jake's scent was even better outside, if that was possible. "Apologies," I said to him, regaining my control. "I was just shocked."

"Oh, that's all." he said, relieved. "Well, will you?"

"I..." I didn't know what to say. On one hand, being alone with Jake, going on a date with him, of all things, would surely break the tenuous control I was exerting on myself. Jake had basically just asked me to carry out his death sentence. On the other hand, I felt that strange sense of caring for him, along with curiosity. How much did he remember of that night where I had almost killed him? How could he stand here now and ask me on a date? "I don't know." I whispered finally. It wouldn't do to be alone with this incredible - and delicious - human for very long. However, I wanted to, for selfish reasons. I had never met anyone like him before, human or vampire. I wanted to know more about him. And... a part of me still thirsted for his blood. On impulse, I asked, "What do you want to do?" Idiot! I shouldn't be giving him false hope. 

"Well," Jake said, "We could go out for dinner tomorrow, see a movie..." He trailed off when he noticed my expression. He wouldn't like it if I took him to dinner, not one bit. "Or we could go for a walk." he suggested. "Start small."

Why had I even asked? I would just be forced to disappoint. "I've got to go," I blurted out, and turned away from Jake.

"Wait!" he called after me. "Will I see you tomorrow?" 

I couldn't answer him, so I dashed out of sight and went home.

My throat still burning from the encounter with Jake, I considered my options. I could stay away, continue my normal life as a vampire - as their queen. Or I could go on a date with Jake, and try and pretend to be human. Surprisingly, the former sounded quite unappealing. Why should I try to hide my true nature? Then I thought of the strange feeling I felt whenever I was near Jake, and sighed. I knew that no matter what I chose, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from checking that he was okay. But if I chose wrong, I might end up hunting him. Hurting him. Killing him. 

The thought was unbearable.

I stood up and streaked past my surroundings. I caught a trace of Jake's mouthwatering scent and followed it, trying not to start hunting. The trail led to an ordinary apartment. I jumped up six stories and landed on the window-sill.  Cloaked in the shadows of the night, I listened...

A loud bang, along with the sound of glass shattering. Then a male voice that wasn't Jake's started shouting. The window slid open, and I jumped back, taking a deep breath, then immediately regretting it, as a familiar scent that set my throat burning wafted out of it. Two pairs of footsteps went into a different room. They were soon joined by a third.

"Jake, a letter for you." a female voice said. There was the sound of rustling and ripping paper. The male voice from before spoke again.

"If we don't see a change in your behavior, Jake, then you can forget about staying here."

"The vase was an accident!" Jake's voice protested. 

"All the same," said the man, "You can't deny you haven't exactly been on your best behavior lately."

"We know your parents are going through a tough time right now," the woman interjected. "And as their friends, we said you could stay here until everything is all smoothed over - "

"But one more broken vase or late night out and you're gone." the man snarled.

Footsteps, slow and heavy, sounded through the house. Jake stopped for a moment, putting the letter down on the kitchen bench. A pen scratched against some paper, and then Jake's footsteps went to the back of the apartment - probably his bedroom. After a moment, the adults went to their room, too.

Darting in and out the window, I jumped up into a nearby tree and stared at the paper in my hands. One was the letter Jake had received. The other looked like a reply.

Dear Jake, the letter said.

I know that we weren't on the best of terms when you left, but please come home. I know it's... complicated with your parents, but I miss you loads. We were fine until a couple of months ago, but then you came back from your "City Visit", as you called it, all starry-eyed and dreamy. You even forgot my birthday! 

Even if you were a bit lackluster, I still love you. I'm ready to try again if you are. We could go back to dating the way we used to.

Miss you.



So Jake already had a girlfriend. Why had he asked me out, then? I turned to the second note.

Dear Lexi,

I couldn't come home, even if I wanted to. I was 'starry-eyed and dreamy', as you put it, because... well... I met someone. I met her again today. Her name is Ashleigh. 

I'm really sorry. I don't think we can get back together. Not now. 


P.S: Sorry about your birthday.

So Jake had broken up with this Lexi... because he had fallen for me. 

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