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Hi, Moon here. 

Wow. I really enjoyed writing The Best Way To Kill Your Boyfriend. It was the first book I started on Wattpad, and now it's the first book I've finished on here. It feels kind of amazing.

 I did get some of my ideas for this book from Twilight, such as the vampire talents. But most of them came from a game with my friends, Emily, Anna, and Tara. Thanks for all the fun times, games, random emails, long book discussions, inside jokes, and the craziness and drama that make my life interesting, guys. Sorry two of you weren't in this book. I'm saving your characters for other books.

Also thanks to my younger brother Gibson, who let me tell him everything that was on my mind and was always happy to hang out or play Minecraft. You're the best sibling in the world, little bro.

I feel like I left an important bit of information out of this book, but I couldn't find anywhere to fit it in. So, here's the question I left unanswered: How does someone become a daylighter instead of an ordinary vampire? If you are bitten by a traditional vampire, they will most likely drink some of your blood at the same time as getting their venom into your bloodstream. If this happens, you will become a traditional vampire. If they manage not to, you will become a daylighter and keep a small portion of your human blood, which will be extremely diluted because of the amount of venom in your veins. However, normal vampires rarely create other vampires. If you are bitten by a daylighter, which is slightly more likely, you will become a daylighter. Daylighters are rarer than traditional vampires, but they tend to retain some human impulses, so they will be more tempted to turn someone they love into one of them. 

And on that cheerful note, I'm finishing this book. Thank you so much if you have read The Best Way To Kill Your Boyfriend. It means a lot to me.

See you in the next book!


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