"We were. Look, when she came to my gates, I asked her to run away and when she didn't, I was angry" said Michonne.

"Then you know why I'm not okay with this" expressed Tara.

"I do. I also know why Rick didn't trust me when I showed up at the gates of the prison and how people didn't trust you after seeing you on the other of the Govenor's fire line" added Michonne.

"I was gonna kill you on sight when you washed up on our shores" said Racheal.

This got Tara thinking. I was thinking the same way as the others. I was so glad that we trusted Rick's group enough to let them stay on the farm. He changed our life for the better and I am thankful for that every day.

"Okay, okay. Fair" said Tara.

"Lydia didn't choose where she came from, but she chose where she wanted to be. Just like everyone in this room" spoke Michonne.

"I left some of my best fighters at Hilltop but if Daryl's right about these skin job numbers, it's not enough people" said Tara concerned.

She is right. We can't just let Hilltop fight alone. We need to make sure that we're ready for whatever Alpha and her people are going to throw at us. She wants Lydia back and will probably do anything to insure that happens.

"We should take a group to Hilltop to protect them" suggested Daryl.

"That's a good idea" I said looking at him.

"I'll take some from The Kingdom" Carol said.

"Oceanside can spare some fighters" Racheal added.

"Alexandria can too" Gabriel spoke up.

Our chances were starting to look better now that Hilltop has the support of all of the communities. Seeing all of us come together again was an amazing sight. Even though we are about to go into war, I couldn't help but admire everyone stepping up to help people that are basically our family.

"So we head out in the morning" asked Racheal.

"No. They can take advantage if we wait" said Carol.

"She's right. We should go today" I said agreeing with Carol.

"Agreed but sending people is only a short-term solution" said Gabriel.

"In order to face this threat, the fair communities have to present a united front. Which is why I'm preparing a mutual protection pact. An attack against one community is an attack on all of us" spoke Michonne.

This was a great idea too. Standing together to fight against these freaks should've been what we did all along.

"The leadership of The Kingdom is very amenable to this idea" said Ezekiel.

"Oceanside is down" Racheal joined in.

"Okay, so how do we seal it. Spit and shake, blood oath" asked Tara with laughter.

"I have just the thing" said Ezekiel getting up to go get something.

We all got up to see what The King was about to pull out. When he pulled out the treaty, Michonne had a surprised look on her face.

"I may have taken a few things with me when I left. I did what I thought was right. I'm sorry for the way it was done" Tara told Michonne

'Me too and thank you. You were right" Replied Michonne.

"You were too" Tara said back to her.

"I knew this day would come. Never doubted it for a moment. John Hancock eat your heart out" Ezekiel said as he signed his name.

Trying to survive sequal to Farmers Daughter (A Daryl Dixion Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz