"You would have been a much better head of the institute. I think you still could be an amazing leader". 

Alec felt his heart warm at the praise, "Really, you do?" 

"Yes, I know things seem grim now. But Jace seemed genuinely sorry for how he acted, I'm sure he will try to help you change things. I have seen you in action too, you have a way of making people listen to you even if they don't like what you want to say and you have so much compassion". 

Alec moved to sit in Magnus' lap and wrap his arms around him, Magnus eagerly hugged Alec back. He had been so afraid he would lose this after the way he had treated Alec yesterday and for admitting that he had wanted to kiss Dot back. But Alec had given him a second chance, and Magnus was thrilled he had. 

Alec and Magnus stayed in that position for a long time, but Alec reluctantly got off Magnus to finish his breakfast and leave for work. Alec was secretly glad that Jace had been waiting for him at the entrance of the institute. Alec felt safer walking in with Jace. Alec had been ambushed by alphas on his way in before, and he was feeling more jumpy than usual because of Victor. 

"Thanks Jace, you didn't have to do this", Alec said as they walked inside. 

"It's the least I can do after the way I treated you". 

"Are things okay with you and Simon?" Alec asked, he had seen Simon holding Jace's hand at the party and hoped that meant they had made up. 

"Yeah, I need to earn his forgiveness too but things are a lot better", Jace said smiling at the thought of holding Simon against his chest the previous night. "I asked Raphael to protect Simon while I was at the institute". 

"So Raphael knows what Victor did?" 

"Yeah he knows, he was so angry I had to stop him from killing Victor. He has asked some members of his clan to help protect Simon. I asked Raphael if Simon could stay at Hotel Dumort with him to make it easier for protection". 

Alec was surprised that Jace had allowed Raphael to protect Simon, and ask for Simon to stay with him. Raphael had been in a relationship with Simon before Jace and Jace got jealous very easily. Alec hoped that this was more proof that Jace was changing. 

"Are you okay with that?" Alec asked. 

"Yeah I am okay with it. This fight with Simon has made me realize that I hurt him through not trusting him. I want to show Simon that I do trust him and I hope this will help". 

Alec smiled happily, "That's very mature of you". 

Jace rolled his eyes, "What? Did you think I would go over there and beat Raphael up? No don't answer that, I admit I have done that in the past to one of Simon's exes". 

"Just one?" Alec said teasingly.  

"Shut up", Jace said but in the same teasing tone. 

Jace was glad that they were back to normal now. Jace knew he had hurt Alec badly and needed to do a lot to make things up to him. But he was so grateful that Alec wasn't giving him the cold shoulder, in all the times Jace had been cruel to Alec in the past Alec had still been there for him and never ignored him. It made Jace feel even worse for hurting Alec. 

Alec tried to hide the fear he felt when he saw alphas leering at him and undressing him with their eyes as they reached the main area, but he knew Jace had felt it through their parabatai bond. Jace moved closer to Alec and put his arm around him protectively and glared at any alpha that tried to approach them. 

"Alec how wonderful to see you, I wasn't sure if you were coming back", Victor said as he walked over. 

Alec's fear increased tenfold at seeing the man who had attacked him. Jace moved to stand in front of Alec. 

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