Chapter 4

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Magnus was comforting Alec after the run in with Victor when Izzy hesitantly came over to them. 

"Alec can I please talk to you?" 

Alec reluctantly let go of Magnus to turn to Izzy. Alec was anxious about talking to Izzy after she had hurt him so much. But she was looking at him with genuine remorse in her eyes. So Alec decided to give Izzy a chance. Alec nodded and he took Magnus' hand to ground him. 

"I wish so badly that I hadn't acted the way I did hermano. You have always been there for me growing up, when I was heartbroken over a break up you always held me and comforted me. I'm so sorry I didn't believe you, I really did look up to you growing up. And I honestly still do look up to you". 

Alec pulled Izzy close to him and hugged her and Izzy happily returned the hug, "That means a lot to me Iz, I need time to forgive you-"

"Of course I understand Alec, I am just glad you don't hate me". 

"I could never hate you", Alec said reassuringly. 

After the party had finished and everyone left, Magnus took Alec back to his apartment. Magnus was worried for Alec's safety because of Victor. Magnus wished Alec wouldn't ever have to go back to the institute and face Victor, but Magnus knew that Alec loved being a Shadowhunter and would not want to give it up. And Magnus would never force Alec to stay in his apartment, he wasn't like most alphas who treated omegas that way. 

Alec wasn't looking forward to going back to the institute when he had gotten ready. As the proof of what Victor had done had gone because of Dot, most of his Shadowhunter colleagues didn't believe him as Andrew hadn't been able to show anyone other than Izzy and Jace. Because Andrew had wanted to get the evidence to the Clave as fast as possible but he hadn't been fast enough to stop Dot using her magic. 

Alec knew he would face hostility from his colleagues more than usual, the only ones at the institute who would treat him with respect and protect him were Izzy, Jace and Andrew. Alec hated that he needed protection, he had been trained to fight since he was a child. He could take care of himself. But when faced with a group of Shadowhunter alphas that were desperate to make him theirs, Alec knew he would need help. 

This had happened many times before and Alec feared the attacks would increase because he knew that Victor had already spread rumours of Alec sleeping willingly with him when they were in Victor's office. Most of Alec's colleagues would believe Victor. The attacks wouldn't stop as the Inquisitor was an alpha and she didn't care about omegas. Alec knew things would be different if Jace was an omega, Imogen was very protective of Jace and she would change things for him. It showed how hypocritical she was as she didn't care about Alec and wouldn't help him. 

"Are you alright Alexander?" Magnus asked in concern as he joined Alec to eat breakfast. 

"I'm just anxious about going back to work, but I will be fine don't worry". 

"I wouldn't mind if you wanted to stay here during the day instead". 

"Thank you Mags, but Victor won't allow me to have another day off. If I don't go in he will use it against me to make me look bad". 

"I hate that Victor is the head of the institute", Magnus said feeling anger consume him. 

Magnus hated that Victor could get away with forcing himself on Alec and treating him as though he didn't have rights. Magnus knew that had an alpha asked for a week off Victor would allow them to take the week without question, but he would never allow Alec to do that. 

"Me too, I wish he wasn't. You know, I was meant to be the head of the institute not Victor. But the Clave wouldn't allow an omega to be in charge. Though of course they gave other fake reasons why I wasn't chosen". 

Hold on I still want youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora