Chapter 1

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Captain Arthur Kirkland walked back to his ship, rum bottle in hand. He had a successful trip to the closest bar on the docks, drinking almost all their rum and taking the rest back to the ship, after setting the bar on fire in their stupor.

Arthur considered himself a successful pirate, more successful than others. He could burn down the village the bar was in but he was feeling generous today.

The crew loaded the rum on the ship as he barked orders at them from the dock, swaying a little from the rum. As he did this, his eyes wandered randomly. They fixated on a girl not far away. She was sitting on the edge of the dock, light blue dress pulled up a bit, toes barely gracing the water. Her light brown hair was hung in a ponytail that went down her back. A stray strand of hair was braided and set aside from the ponytail. He noticed the jewels she wore as well. As a pirate, he could not miss the diamond necklace she wore, the earrings that matched, and the few rings.

Arthur's eyes stayed on her for a while then they drifted back to his crew, who were getting sluggish in their movements. "Hurry up!" he shouted at them. Their pace quickened nervously. No one wanted to face the captain's wrath if they did something he did not approve of.

Arthur's eyes drifted back to the girl. He had a plan formulating in his head slowly, wondering whether he should take her for himself or not. He could keep the jewels for himself, the dress also looked expensive. This was his motive mainly, but what else is there? Arthur would rather not risk his safety for a few jewels he could get anywhere. There was also company of another person. His crew didn't nearly match up with Arthur's intellect. They could barely form words around him, though ever loyal. She could also provide...her body. The captain smiled. He calculated up his motives and decided it would be worth it. Although she will not join him willingly.

He approached her, boots thumping on the wooden dock. "'Ello," he said.

The girl did not look up at him. "Hello," she greeted.

"What is a loverly young lass, like yerself, doin' out here all alone?" he asked a smirk appearing on his face.

"Nothing at all," she said. "I am just enjoying a lovely day." She looked him over, smiling at first. Then noticing the pirate-like attire. Warning signals shot off in her head and she stood quickly. "I was just about to leave actually." She tried to walk around him but he blocked her way. "Can you please move out of my way, sir?" she asked kindly.

With one sweep of his hand, he had the girl over his shoulder. He ignored her screams and yells as he walked back to his ship. His crew stared at him for a moment but with a quick glance from the captain, looked away.

"If you want money, you can have it! I have plenty!" she yelled at him, her voice in a plea.

"Ah bet ye do," he said. He dropped her in a cell, in the lowest parts of the ship, locking her in. Arthur sat in a chair on the other side of the ship, watching her. The cell was only temporary until she coroperated with him. He did not want his prize staying down here for too long.

The girl stayed silent at first, looking around. She scooted further into the darkness of the chamber, dirt smearing her dress.

"Ah wouldn' do that me lass. Ye don' know what's been down here. Even Ah don' know," Arthur spoke.

She turned to him, eyes wide with fear. "Let me out," she pleaded. "I will give you all the money you want, just please let me go."

"Ah..." Arthur nodded in understanding. "Ah don' need yer money. Some would be nice but Ah have a good use fer ye," he replied.

"P-please. I-I will do anything, sir," she said, voice quavering.

"Captain Arthur Kirkland is the name," he said. Arthur crossed his arms over his chest and rested one leg on top of the other, tipping his chair back a little.

The Sound of Drums-Captain Arthur Kirkland (Hetalia)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant