Roger Daltrey #9

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A/N - aaand, another Roger Daltrey imagine! It wasn't requested but I had some inspiration and decided to write this. Enjoy xx 💙


The phone ringing brought me out of my thoughts.

I stood up from the window seat, where a light dusting of snow covered the ledge from outside.

I hesitantly picked up the phone. "Hello?" I asked, unsure of who would be calling at this time of the morning.

"Hello love!" Roger's voice rang through my ears.

"Roger! What are you phoning for at this time of the morning?" I asked, sitting on the edge of the desk that sat next to the phone.

"And what are you doing up at this time of the morning?" I could hear his smirk down the phone.

"I can't believe I won't be there tomorrow," Roger spoke with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"It's ok Rog, we agreed that you would take a year out to learn farming," I smiled slightly, more to myself than anything.

"Yeah..." he stopped, "Alice?"


There was a pause before he spoke up again, "It doesn't matter."

"Except that it obviously does..."

"They've offered me a job."

"At the farm you're at?"


"What do you want to do?" I asked, a sad smile on my face.

"I don't know.. You could come here with me."

My smile faltered, "But I'm here, I'm always gonna be here."

"Alice, your dad died a year ago."

"And I built this farm in his honour."

"He wouldn't want you dedicating your life to him!"

"He dedicated his life to me!" There was an awkward silence that overtook us once again.

"We can't keep having this fight." Roger sighed.

"Apparently we can, until we realise that there's nothing left to fight for."

Silence overtook us once again.


"Yeah, I know... I should go."


"Good luck tomorrow, it's gonna be amazing. Take care Alice."

I laughed, "Yeah, you too Rog."

I put the phone down and ran up to my room. I looked through our shared wardrobe and came across one of Roger's grey knitted jumpers. I took it off the hanger and held it close to my chest, breathing in his scent.

I really missed him, and I loved him more than our arguments.

I laid on the bed, tightly cuddling his jumper close to my chest, tears streaming down my face.

If only he was home.

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