The Nightmare

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Hajime tossed and turned as he grips onto his chest, his heart was restless and the rate continued to increase. He rolled over onto his side as his sheets slid off his leg and dropped onto the cold wooden floor. His eyebrows furrowed then he stopped. It came to an end. Hajime sat up and stared down at his bare wrinkled mattress. He had the nightmare again, the same one he had been having ever since they were rescued from the island. That dream had always succeeded in making him upset due to it being upsetting and graphic.

He tuned his body to face the door and placed his feet down, pushing himself up off the empty bed and started to walk over to the door which he unlocked. He steps outside into the hallway and started to walk to Chiaki's room. They hadn't arrived home yet so they had designed rooms on the boat. He stood at her door and rests his forehead against the smooth polished wood, lifting his hand and slowly knocking before he took hold of the handle and pushed it down. He walks into her room then closes the door. He saw that she was sitting on the floor playing a video game as she usually was.

Chiaki looks over at him then put everything down, pulling a blanket over: Hajime sat beside her then leans over, resting his head on her shoulder with a tired expression. She wraps the blanket around him and then hugs him gently, rubbing his back "did you have the nightmare again?" She asks, resting her head on his. Hajime slowly nods in response, ever since they were all reunited he had been coming to Chiaki's room every night to the point they were both used to it. She started to stroke his hair "It's all over now..." she told him before pulling him up and onto the bed. She quickly fluffed the pillows for him and turns the lamp off before laying next to him and pulling the covers up "if you start dreaming about it then wake up instead of sleeping through it okay? Goodnight Hajime"

Chiaki then slowly started to sleep. Hajime stayed awake a little longer and faces Chiaki, watching her for a little while with a slight frown on his face. He scoots closer and wraps his arms around her loosely, one hand resting on the back of her head and holding it to his chest. He sigh quietly and lowers his head, falling asleep.

Revive - Hajime x Chiaki Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat