When I Told Him What I Had Found Out

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Yes, I had been sick for days without understanding the reason...

I threw up twice a day, I felt weak, I wasn't hungry...   Most importantly, I haven't had my period in 2 weeks.

One day I decided to go to the supermarket to buy a pregnancy test. 

Bought that test, I came home, I went to the bathroom to get the results.

When I opened the box, I felt nauseous and I threw up again.   Then, Tristan came in.

"Sara, are you okay?   Do you have the fl-" he stopped talking cause he saw the pregnancy test.

"Are you pregnant?" he yelled.

"Sh, don't scream!   I don't know, I was opening the box when I felt nauseous again.   I still have to take the test." I said.

"Oh my god!   I'm so excited!   Does Bryan know that you're taking the pregnancy test?" he asked.

"No, he doesn't know.   And don't tell him anything, cause I don't even know the results..." I said.

"Go away!   I'll take the test and then you'll wait for the results right here, with me!" I said, chasing him away.

I took the test and then I called Tristan and told him to go back to the bathroom.

"So?" he asked.

"We have to wait 30 seconds...   I'm so freaking nervous!" I said.

"Wait!   If the test was positive, how would you take it?   Would you keep the baby?   Would you talk to Bryan about it?" Tristan asked me.

"Well, yeah, sure.   I mean, I certainly didn't think of a pregnancy, thinking of the next few years, but I'm 21, Bryan's almost 22...   We're getting married, so it seems to me that we might be ready!   Of course, I'll talk to him about it, and if he gets scared or doesn't want to take care of our son, then it'll end up there..." I said, worried but happy.

"Sara..." Tristan said.

"What?" I said.

"You're gonna be a mom!" he said, really happy!

I took the stick in my hand, and I started crying.

Then, I hugged Tristan.

I was going to be a mom!

"How are you gonna tell Bryan?" Tristan asked.

"I have an idea!" I said.


I was downstairs, chatting with Dom.   But then I went upstairs to get a sweatshirt.

I entered the bedroom and I found a box on the bed.   

I looked for Sara to ask if she had put the box on the bed, but I did not find her.

I opened the box and there was a letter.

*Hey Bryan.   You recognized from the handwriting that your girlfriend wrote this letter ahahah!*

Yes, I recognized her handwriting.

*I ask you to finish this letter before you open the real box.   I also ask you to come to the roof, after opening the real box.   Um, what can I write?   I'll start writing this.   I fucking love you, and you know that.   We're getting married and I could not be more happy.   Happy to spend the rest of my life with you, the man I love.   I won't get mad if you get scared by the contents of the box, I know it could cause a problem in our relationship, but this has made me so happy, I hope it makes you just as happy!*

I was freaking nervous, because I had no idea what the box could contain.

I opened the real box and I saw a pregnancy test, a POSITIVE pregnancy test.

I started crying so hard, cause I was worried but the happiest man in the world.

I didn't wait a moment and ran to the roof.

That's where I found Sara, sitting there looking at the view.

"Are you kidding me? Are we going to be parents?" I said.

"YES!!   We're gonna become mom and dad!" Sara said, she was crying too.

"Oh my god!   You made me the happiest man in the world." I said.

"No, the baby did!" she said.

I kissed Sara and then I kissed her belly. 

"How are we gonna tell the boys? I'm so excited!" I said.

"We don't have to tell them." she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Turn around." she said.

As I turned, I saw them, standing there with us.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" I yelled.

"We know man!" they yelled.

"Sara told us before she prepared the surprise!" Chris said.

"And I got the results with her!" Tristan said.

"Just one thing: we have to get married before the belly gets big, otherwise the wedding dress won't fit me!" Sara said.

We all laughed and hugged Sara.

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