Part 16

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Abby's p o v

My parents had invited Leo for dinner, to thank him for what he has done for them. Leo and I arrived home in his car later that evening after he had showed me my surprise present, while his driver drove my new car behind us. I really loved the present, I had always wanted a car, I even saved up to get myself one, but I didn't expect Leo to get it for me, he is such a darling. It seems like he knows what I want.

We got down from his car, and John just pulled my car over in front of the house. "Wait in the car" Leo said to John after he got out from the car, indicating him to wait in his car.

"So shall we?" I asked looking at him "Yes my queen" he said back, and that statement brought up butterflies in my belly. We got into the house, I could tell my Mom was in the kitchen, and my Dad, I had no idea. "Mom" I called "Leo is here" I said, and immediately, she ran out of the kitchen "Leo my dear, how are you doing?" she asked coming to welcome him "I'm fine thank you ma" Leo said hugging my mom. "Come, come. Let's go to the sitting room" she said leading us to the sitting room.

"Have a sit" she said to Leo. "And Abby, come help me out in the kitchen" she said to me. "Ok mom" I said "But, who'll stay with Leo?" "I will" my Dad said coming downstairs. "Hey Dad" I said going to hug him. "Hey pumpkin" my Dad said hugging me back, and then he kissed my head. "Ok then, sugar plum. I'll just leave you and my Dad alone, so you can have a man to man discussion." I said, and then went into the kitchen with my Mom.

Leo's p o v

I sat in the sitting room with Paul; he was reading from a news paper, he barely looked at me. "What do you want with my daughter?" Paul asked still reading from his newspaper. "Her love Sir" I replied looking at him. "Do you really love her?" he asked looking away from his paper, and then looking at me. "With all my heart Sir" I replied, and then he looked me up and down, as if looking for traces of lie. "Let it remain that way. Because men like you, I don't trust them. And if you ever do anything to hurt my daughter, I'll skin you alive" he said, and then looked back at his news paper.

"Hey boys, dinner is ready" Abby said coming out of the kitchen with her mom. "What were you boys talking about?" Jenny asked while arranging the dining table. "Nothing much," Paul said standing up and heading to the dining table. "We were just chatting isn't that right Leo?" he asked looking at me. "Yes that's right" I said standing up and following behind him.

We all sat at the table having dinner. Abby sat beside me, while maam Jenny, sat beside Paul. Our conversation earlier sounded like he did not like me for his daughter. But I'm going to prove him wrong; I'll show him that I'm the best thing that has ever happened to her.

Finally, dinner was over. I said my goodbyes to her parents, and Abby walked me outside to where the car was. "I hope you enjoyed dinner" she said, and then stopped to face me. "I did my darling" I said holding her on the waist, and pulling her closer to me "I want to spend the weekend with you." I said to her. "I don't know, what about my parents?" she said worriedly, "You just tell them, you're not a kid anymore you know" I said looking at her, "And by the way, nothing is going to happen between us if that's what you're worried about" I continued. "Okay, I'll go talk to them" she said. "And I'll be here waiting for their answer" I said, and then gave her a kiss on her lips, and in a second, she was inside.

I waited by the car for 5 minute, before someone opened the door, it was Abby and Jenny. "Take care of her okay. She's in your hands now" Jenny said, and then gave her daughter a kiss on her cheeks, and Abby came running to me "They said yes" she said smiling. "Thank you so much maam Jenny" I thanked Abby's mother. "Who owns this car?" Jenny asked looking at the grey colored car in front of the house. "It is mine mom" Abby said smiling at her mom, "Leo got it for me as a present today" she said, "Is that true Leo?" Jenny asked me, and then, I gave a nod. "That's so sweet of you, Abby has always wanted a car" she said going to check the car out. "Ok mom, we got to go now, and please, tell dad about the car for me. Just tell him that I forgot to break the news at dinner, okay." Abby said to her mother. And then I opened the door for Abby to get into the back sit of the car, and then I walked to the other side of the car, and got into the back sit with Abby. "John, let's go" I said to my driver. Abby then waved her mother goodbye, and then we zoomed off.

We arrived at my mansion. Mary and all the Maids were all standing outside to welcome us most especially Abby. I called Mary up to tell her that Abby will be coming home with me, so I guessed she put up all this just to welcome Abby home. Abby and I got out of the car, I could see the look on Abby's face, she was so happy. "Your house is beautiful" she said looking around. "Oh thank you very much." I said to her, and I lead her into the house.

We got into the house, and then Mary came to meet Abby "It's so nice to meet you" Mary said to Abby. "Me too maam, I'm happy to see you too" Abby said hugging Mary. "Mary, take Abby things to my room, she'll be staying with me" I said winking at Abby, and I could see her blush.

Abby and I got to the room "Whoa" Abby said looking around the room "This is paradise" she said, and then jumped on the bed. "Easy" I said, getting in bed with her "You like it?" I asked her. "Are you kidding me, I love it" she said, and then climbed on me. "Go freshen up, and after you're done, I'll do the same." I said to her, and she obeyed. And after she was done, I did the same. And by the time I came out of the bathroom, Abby was already asleep. "She's so tired" I said to myself, and got in bed close to her, and before I knew it, I myself drifted off to sleep.

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