Part 1~ How It All Started-

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No Ones POV:
Everything was fine and they were all friends until the team started to ignore Hinata and forgetting him in everything it's like he wasn't needed in the team anymore(Poor baby🥺)

Hinata's POV:
Why is everyone ignoring me I keep trying to talk to them but they just roll there eyes and leave me that don't tell me anything I don't even care anymore I'm used to it but when they went to Nekoma, Nekoma was wondering where I was the team didn't tell me we had a practice match I don't feel like I fit in anymore I'm just a baby I'm confused I don't understand what I did so I grew depressed and stopped talking and smiling but they didn't notice or I thought they didn't notice but when I got a phone call I didn't know that would change my whole life

No Ones POV:
Hinata got a phone call and surprise it was from his dad (I didn't make him just use your imagination) Hinata "What um Hey?" Hinata's dad " hey son I got a job for you here in America and a good school for you if you decide to come over to America I can bring my private jet to you so you can come over" Hinata "Well since I don't fit in at my school I will come just send it tomorrow I'll start packing and tell mom cause I want her to tell the school I will be transferring ok" Hinata's Dad "Ok see you tomorrow"

~Time skip~

Hinata's POV:
Since I'm leaving today I will leave to the airport early and I'll text Amira and Akio when I get there

~Another Time skip cause I am lazy~

No Ones POV:
Shoyo- Hey guys I'm here

Amira- Ok Sho we will pick you up

SD-Yeah see you there

Akio- Cya there bro

Shoyo- Kk byee

-No more texting-
No ones POV:
When Hinata's dad came to the air port to get him in a limousine Hinata " well what did I expect" while he sees the limousine and his two siblings and his dad over the years hinata started to work out and got a tattoo and a tongue piercing

To Be Continued

Hey Author-Kun here I will be drawing new Hinata for the next part😋

He changed?!?(discontinued) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن