The Makeover

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————- time skip to lunch ————

Zach's POV

Percy told all about how they met, and their history. He told how they met in a dyslexic and ADAHD camp, and said, Annabeth, the girl I still have a crush on, even though I'm heartbroken,  first impression of him was him drooling. Makes sense because he is stupid. I have a strong hatred for Percy even though he's my best friend. I know he'll cheat on her or Annabeth fall in love with me with a master plan I haven't came up with yet.But when he cheats on her, I will be there for her. And we will marry, have children and have a hamster. (# Marinette Dupain-Cheng). We will have a future together.

Percy POV

Zach looked pissed, heartbroken and annoyed. I don't know why. Annabeth is talking to Lizzy a friend of mine. And Will (not Will Solace btw, this will is more of a casual lazy guy) was eating his apple. Lame. I thought. Anyways because of Zach's mood I decided to cheer him up by inviting him, Lizzy, Annabeth (of course), and Will to my house. I'm super excited and so is everyone else.

——————- time skip to at Percy's house.—————- (sorry. I'm lazy.)

Annabeth POV

We were playing truth or dare. Then Zach got a dare to kiss his crush as soon as he can. I don't like Zach. I have a feeling he likes me but never his crush. But he kissed me. I literally went to punch him but Lizzy held me back. Then I looked over to Percy. He looked sad, angry and a bit scared. No one said anything for a long time. Percy also tried punching  Zach but I kissed him to stop him. He relaxed and we broke apart. Then Zach said," I'm sorry Percy, but Annabeth is mine." He glared at him. Percy gave him a death stare. Then Percy grabbed his shirt and kicked him out of the house. Then Lizzy left because her mom needed her urgently, only saying goodbye. Will stayed for a bit longer but had to leave cuz it was late. Then when we were in his bed (they already got Annabeth's stuff from the hotel) "Will you leave me for him?" He asked. "Of course not!" I replied in a annoyed voice. " This is why your  brain is full of seaweed!". He just chuckled. Then we both went to a dreamless sleep (somehow).

The next day

Still Annabeth POV

I was in school but something caught my eye. Zach! Zach got a makeover! I knew because Percy showed a lot of pictures with him and his best friends. They were girls surrounding him. I knew Zach was always good at sports, basketball of all. Percy told me. Percy looked horrified. And then he came up to me " Hey babe are you still up for tonight~" (Sorry it's a bit inappropriate) Then Percy came up to me, obviously heard what he said, " Sorry She's occupied with me tonight." I was shocked and grateful at the same time. Later in class I had the sudden urge to vomit. I actually vomited and then from there it got worse. I went to the nurse and for some reason I had a high fever and was sent home. Percy came early and took care of me. He was so sweet even though he was dumb.

——— Few days after that———-

Zach's POV

I went to Annabeth's house. For two reasons. The main reason was to give her homework. The other reason was to flirt with her. And apologize. Jk! I was only going to pretend. So when I got to Annabeth's house. I was stunned. She looked so cute. She had this blue hoodie that was a bit over sized for her but it looked so cute with the sleeves being a little too long. She asked," Are you ok. And by the way what are you doing here." I came back into focus. "I just came here to give you your homework" I said in a seductive tone. She frowned. "Whatever" then when she took the homework and was about to leave I pulled her and started kissing her. She was sick so I knew she couldn't do anything. Plus she I think she had to take some pills that numbed her. I spied on them already. She couldn't move. She struggled between the kiss but I had the upper hand. Then Percy came. Percy looked at me then Annabeth. He just left. Annabeth was shocked that Percy left her and started to not struggle and cry. She was crying so much I couldn't lift my eyes without water in it. Then at that moment Percy came charging and then everything went black. 

I'm so sorry I didn't update in a very long time. I just gave up but now I'm continuing. Since it's school for me I will be posting at least once a month. Sorry I let you guys down. And also the first person who comments will get a shout out on the top. (No one will comment anyways) but still just saying. Now I decided that every story you'll know 3 facts about me. The 3 facts for this story is that I just turned 10 years old and I am a girl. I'm working on my iPad since I don't have a phone. Now it could be 2 facts or 3 but I will tell a fact every story except the first one since I already published it. Now see ya. Or never ;)

—Mimi (not my real name)

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