"Joho Nise from NHK", he says, "We want to know if you are using the Number 2 Pro Hero Hawks as a personal guard and how long you've been using him for."

I'm a bit surprised by that kind of question, but I keep calm and say, "I assure you that Hawks is not my personal guard or anything like that. While we do have a growing relationship since we worked together a couple of years ago and we care for each other, and anything he's done for me was his own doing."

"Growing relationship", he says, "Can you elaborate on that?"

I sigh and say, "If you are trying to ask if Hawks and I are romantically involved, yes we are, but we do not let that get in the way of our work. Next question please."

I choose another reporter back, "Thank you", they say, "Kisha Riaru from Nippon TV. We wanted to know what happened during the mission you were on? How did you get so badly hurt?"

"As you know Hawks and myself had gone after a well known doctor, Ayama Rishi, for acts of cannibalism", I say, "During the battle, we we're trying to save a young boy who was no older than 7 years old from meeting the same fate as countless others. I became the distraction while being shot and Hawks got the child out. On his way out with the child, however, Rishi turned his attention from myself to Hawks and shot at him. I knew that Hawks wouldn't be able to get out of the way while carrying the child, so I jumped in between and took the bullet for him."

"W-what happened to the boy", they said.

"He's alive", I say, "Before coming here, Hawks and myself were able to see him. Since the investigation is still on going and he is a crucial witness, both Hawks and myself share joint custody and many UA students have showered him with gifts."

"That's wonderful", they say, "Thank you."

"What kind of bull shit is this", says an older man out of turn way in the back.

"Excuse me", I say.

"Kazan Hoso, Yomiuri Telecasting", he says, "How can anyone believe a so called hero, who had to be tied down to her bed and could possibly be a villain, spouting a bunch of bull shit?"

It takes me a moment but then I realize, "Tell me something", I say, "Are you the man who put out that broadcast yesterday that tried to drag Hawks's, myself, and my students names through the mud?"

"Well the people have a right to know about the mentally insane hero who could kill everyone in this room", he says.

"If you must know then", I say, "After I was shot, I hit my head so hard that I lost my memories for some time. I spent all day yesterday getting them back. But, when those photographers started snapping pictures of me, it brought back my first memory. The memory of watching my father being shot and killed right in front of me at only 4 years old. At that moment, my quirk activated and it allowed me to take out the men who would've killed me too."

After I'm done he laughs and says, "I just cannot believe the amount of bull shit coming out of your mouth."

"Shut your god damn mouth", yells Bakugo who's now standing next to him with smoke coming from his hands

"Unless you want us to make sure that no one ever hears from you again, you should back off now", says Todoroki who's behind him with ice slowly covering the floor he's standing on.

"Boys stand down", I yell, "He's not worth it."

They back off and begrudgingly say, "Yes Miss. Hoshi.

"Interviews are now over", I say, "Please leave. You've upset my students quite enough."

Before they start shouting questions, the students start escorting everyone out.

"Bakugo, Todoroki, come here please", I say and they both walk over, "While I do thank you boys for trying to have my back, that stunt you were about to pull would've had really bad repercussions."

"I'm sorry Miss. Hoshi", says Todoroki, "I just can't stand when good heroes are bad mouthed."

"That basterd didn't even know what he was talking about", say Bakugo.

"I know boys", I say, "But you know very well that the media is never good to anyone that they're afraid of, and upright threatening them is even worse especially for a hero in training."

"Sorry", they say.

I sigh, "Unfortunately, I still do have to give you a punishment even if your hearts were in the right place", I say, "Don't worry. It won't be that bad. You both will just have two days of trash duty."

"Yes Miss. Hoshi", they say.

"Good", I say, "Now go and make sure none of the reporters got back inside for everyone's sake."

"Yes ma'am", they say and march off.

A few seconds later, Hawks comes up behind me and says, "You were amazing Princess."

"Thank you Angel", I say, "I just hope they leave the kids alone now."

"They will eventually", he says, "There's one other thing that might distract them now."

"Let me guess", I say, "The fact that our relationship is no longer a secret?"

"Yup", he says, "Now I'm free to do this whenever I want", then cresses my cheek and kisses me softly.

"You're gonna take full advantage of it aren't you", I say pulling away a bit.

"Hell yeah", he says then kisses me again.

"That's enough you two", says Aizawa, "Nekuro, you should go back and rest. The old lady is coming to help heal you."

"Alright", I say then, with Hawks hand entwined in mine, we walk back to my room.

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