The eclipse

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The city of Seattle was crowded with people. It's the second Sunday of July, 2010. Everybody was waiting on pins and needles to watch the wonderful scenery of the solar eclipse. There was a mother, ordering her six-year-old child to wear his sunglasses, a triplet were preparing their cameras to engrave this rarely repeated event, a few primary school students; taking notes on the stages of the eclipse,...

"Julia, look up there...the first signs of the eclipse started to appear. Oh, I'm so excited! Are you?"said her Chinese friend.

"Yeah, it's a nice view" answered Julia stuttering.

She was looking right and left in a highly obvious uncomfortable way as she was trying to hide from a dangerous creature that haunts her. She suddenly disappeared from views.

There was a dark basement decorated with many weird names. They were unreadable for Julia as they were not written in English. She was sitting in front of a one-eyed woman.

"I was afraid of not coming on time" said Julia breathing fast; then, she added" I just want to reach my goal, please help me"

"Don't worry!" said the one-eyed woman in an unclear ghost-like voice. She took her equipment presented in dead frogs, skulls and some red liquid and continued" your mother, Laura Mitchell, gave birth to you, and died on the eclipse day of 1995. Today, you're here to meet her. Is that right? Be careful, if any information is wrong, all this work is going to fail. Do you understand?"

"Yes, absolutely, exactly like that. Could you hurry up? I can't wait anymore to hug my mom"

"Give me your arm, and close your eyes"

Julia hesitated for a while then hardly gave her arm so the woman said" You need to trust me"

She started pouring the mixture made by her sloppy equipment, repeating the story of the girl and her mother in an opposite way.

Julia's arm turned red, started swelling, getting hotter and hotter then all her body started burning and fumes were coming out it.

Julia was screaming "What's happening to me? Why am I burning?"

"It's not gonna work...Your mother is imprisoned in hell by devils, and you made them angry so...they took revenge"

"What?! What do you mean by not gonna work? No, mother help me!, no, nooo" she uttered her last screams in a demonic way and exploded.

Julia woke up frightened, and by her awakening, a radio reporter said excitedly "So, our dear listeners, don't miss the solar eclipse this afternoon"

She heard coming steps to her room. It was her father. He smiled at her and said "Good morning my dear girl. Are you ready to visit your mother?"

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