Introduction + Important Info!

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Hello there everyone! Welcome to my first Daganronpa and SDRA2 Fanfic! Before we begin, there a couple of things I need to address and some questions you probably have.

First thing, there are mentions of cutting, attempted suicide, burns, and really dark themes. If these triggers you, leave now. There will be warnings specifically to the chapter it's in, but I'm letting you know now.

Second, here's a mini Q&A for some things that might be confusing

1. What are the sexualities of all the characters??

Sora - Lesbian

Yoruko - Lesbian

Yuki - Bisexual

Syobai - ??

Iroha - Straight

Yuri - Straight

Hajime - Gay

Kokoro - Lesbian

Emma - Lesbian

Setsuka - Lesbian

Hibiki - Lesbian

Kanada - Straight

Shinji - Gay

Nikei - ??

Teruya - Gay

Mikado - Gay

If I left a question mark, it means it is something that'll be revealed in later books

2. What Class is the Cast of SDRA2 and DRA?

Class 79 is DRA (Daganronpa Another) and Class 80 is SDRA2 (Super Daganronpa Another 2)

Yuki is sticking to Class 80 and Teruya will be in Class 79.

3. Are AI Mikado and Real Mikado different people?

They aren't! They are both one and the same in this AU. I won't go into too much detail, but they are the same person.

4. What ships are revelent in this book/series?

Sora x Yoruko

Kanade x Yuri

Setsuka x Hibiki

Emma x Kokoro

Hajime x Shinji

There are two more ships that are going be in the books, but they would spoil the plot so I'll leave them out. One will appear in this book, and another will be revealed in another book.

5. What's the format of this book?

This book is a mix between a Chatfic and actual fanfic, so it will change between chapters. I have italicized all chat messages to make it easier to read.

6. How many books are in this series?

I have planned for 5, and currently have 3 planned out in detail. However, this will change and that is why there are multiple books instead of 1.

7. How does school work for them?

Good question. Since this is a Korean Game, but I don't know shit about Korean School works,I decided to base it on a mixture of both Canadian/ American Schools and the anime (kinda). They have mandatory classes twice a month and otherwise don't need to attend classes. They don't have classes on weekends and have Christmas Break in December and Spring Break in March.

That's all for now! A final reminder that SDRA2 and DRA2 are not mine and belong to Linuj! Please enjoy!

Monster - SDRA2 Fanfic (Book 1) - COMPLETEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora