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After announcing the plans for West Side Story, Mr Schue had officially called Booty Camp back into action with Alicia and Mike as his trusted assistants. With his main focus on Finn, Puck, Mercedes and Kurt, progress was definitely slow, but it was progress all the same. As the session ended, Mr Schue congratulated them all on their hard work before claiming he had something to do and rushing out of the room.

As everyone else cleared out of the Choir Room, Alicia and Mike stayed to tidy up the room. Noticing an unusual distanced look on Mike's face as he moved a chair to the back, Alicia frowned. "Hey, Mike. Are you good?"

"Me?" Mike questioned and turned to face her with furrowed eyebrows.

"Unless you know anyone else here called Mike." She chuckled, causing a small smile to appear momentarily on his face. "You seem distant, everything okay?"

"I guess I'm good. It's just...this year is a lot different to last year. I've got so much on my plate already and it's only been a couple of weeks." He explained with a troubled expression. "I do really appreciate you helping with Booty Camp though."

"No problem. I mean, we joined Glee Club together and we do make a pretty great team if I say so myself." Alicia shrugged with a playful tone, her mind drifting back to when she first joined. "We were just back up dancers then, and now look at us. Booty Camp leaders!"

Mike nodded and stayed silent for a moment, a thoughtful look on his face as the musical weighed heavy on his mind. "Are you auditioning for West Side Story?"

"I think so, but not to play Maria or anything because I don't want Rachel to kill me, and not Anita because Santana was literally born for that role." She let out a laugh before growing serious. "But maybe Velma or Graziella."

As Alicia began to trail off in thought, Mike spoke up suddenly with an assertive tone. "I'm tired of being a back up dancer. I wanna audition to play Riff in West Side Story."

Unable to contain her excitement, Alicia jumped up and up on her feet, her ponytail swinging about. "Oh my god, Mike! You totally should! You'd be the perfect Riff!"

Mike's eyes lit up hopefully at the sight and his mouth curved upwards into a sheepish smile. "You really think so?"

"Um, I know so. You're super cool, and you don't give yourself enough credit for your singing. You just gotta have a little belief in yourself." She grinned at him, poking his shoulder playfully.

"Thanks, Ali." He smiled gratefully at her, which she returned before slinging her bag on her shoulder and heading towards the door. Before she was gone completely, Mike spoke up one last time. "Do you think you could maybe...help me with the choreography for my audition?"

Smiling from ear to ear, Alicia turned back to face him, almost bursting with happiness. "Dude, I thought you'd never ask!"

ꕤ  ꕤ  ꕤ

Her back against the lockers, Alicia ran a hand through Leo's hair as the two made out. She was never really one for over-the-top public displays of affection, but Leo was a pretty good kisser, so she didn't really have any objections.

All of a sudden, the bell rang out and broke the two apart from each other. Leo placed one last kiss on her lips before jetting off down the hallway to his next class, while Alicia slipped into the bathroom for a much needed make up check. She kept her head down and at first didn't even notice the figure at the sink beside her, but after hearing a series of muffled sobs she looked over to find Quinn with a photo in her hands.

"It's Beth." She said between her sobs.

Alicia approached her hesitantly, placing a hand gently on her shoulder and looked down at the photo. She smiled gently at the sight of the blonde baby with olive green eyes and a smile just like Quinn's. "She looks just like you."

Quinn sniffed and breathed out. "Puck got to see her, but Shelby won't let me. Not unless I clean up my act."

Alicia wiped away a mascara-stained tear that trailed down Quinn's cheek. "Shelby means well, she just wants what's best for Beth."

Quinn nodded. It was hard to admit out loud, but she knew that Shelby was right. She was Beth's mom too, whether Quinn liked to admit it or not, and she could understand where she was coming from.

"And I do too. Beth needs me, but not like this." Quinn gestured to her appearance with a sigh. She wiped away a final tear, before standing up straight and taking a deep breath. It was hard, but it was a decision she had to make. "Which is why I'm coming back to Glee Club."

"What?" Alicia pulled away with a shocked expression, wondering if she'd heard the pink haired girl correctly.

"Shelby said that I need to let go of the mistakes I made when I was younger if I wanna grow up. And it kills me to say, but she's right. I owe it to Beth." Quinn admitted, before turning to the Cheerio that she once called her best friend. "And I owe it to all of you, too. You were all right, even Berry. You guys really are like my family."

Throwing her arms around Quinn, she squeezed her even tighter than ever before with no intention of ever letting go. "I love you, Q."

Quinn smiled and for the first time in a while, it felt real and good. "I love you too, Ali...even if you're kinda suffocating me."

"Oh, sorry." She rapidly took her arms away and offered Quinn an apologetic look, before both girls broke out into a laugh.

"Now come on, I'm gonna need some help getting all this pink out of my hair."

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im so sorry this was pretty crap and a complete filler chapter !
i wanted to get some Mike content in there tho because he's an absolute king and I won't hear different!
only ogs will remember that my username used to be mikeschangs lmao

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