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The plane ride had been long and dimly lit. They could hear the plane descending. After a rocky landing and the door to the aircraft opening the hot air Billeaud around them. Johnny stepped on to the land a layer of desert grime clinging to his boot as the dust settled. His new platoon were faced by a stern faced man a Captain Charles James. The man eyed his new platoon dubiously smirked slightly "Oh... Hello"
All the soldiers are sitting slacked in they're chairs. Suddenly they all jolt up at Captain James strolled in "Two setion! At ease! May I introduce to you Colour Sargent Dean." The second man who Johnny assumes was Colour Sargent Dean "two section your Captain is one of the best I know this is his 6th tour of Afghanistan, so your in safe hands- after this meeting we'll be doing a 15 miler full kit!" They're we're a few groans and rolled eyes "I think that was two sections way of saying let's do 20 instead" Captain James started he got a few glares "with weapons" he finished.
Johnny's swear from his brow glinted in the humid suffocating sir of Afgan. He was panting by the end of the run. Captain James pulled up in a truck "can I kindly remind you- you are representing her majesty's army! Two section fall out and get scoff!" They all saluted and jogged to scoff.
Johnny forked salad & pasta into his mouth as someone spoke "so Private Taylor your the baby on the Boss man's tour" a soldier said another whispered in his ear "Boss man being captain James and you being the baby as your the youngest." Johnny nodded at that soldiers response " yeah." Johnny stuttered "so Private Taylor this are Spanner, Cheese,Mansfield, Dangles, Ruby and Jackson. Oh and I'm Andy Pandy." The man smiled "we need to think of a nickname for you! Anyways tell us about yourself!" Mansfield finished. Johnny cleared his throat "ummm my names Johnny Taylor, I'm 18.... I've lived most of my life in Care with my Sister Tee. As I grew up I reconnected with my mum and met my sister Hope." His eyeline dropped.
"I was in Care too! Where were you placed?" A man spoke who Johnny thought was cheese. "I was at Elmtree house for most & then a Ashdene ridge. How about you?" Johnny countered "I was at this place Called Burnywood." Cheese replied Johnny looked slightly stunned. For once he wasn't being treated different for being in Care.
The daylight melted away into night and the stars sparked like crystals. The sweet night air of Afgan swirled round him. As he trudged to his bed. He sank into a peaceful slumber. His wake up call would be at 0500 hours.
Johnny contemplated thoughts in his head. He felt secure, he was pretty certain his platoon would be there for him. Maybe for one the rug would not be pulled out from under him again and he could create his own normal for himself, Hope & Tee.
HEYYYYY! I hope your enjoying this story as much as I enjoy writing it! But I need your help! I'd love it if you'd comment your ideas for a nickname for Johnny, and I will pick one that I think will fit 😊THANK YOUUUU

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