Letting the dust settle

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As the car pulled out of the drive, away from his sisters, his mother, his family and all he'd ever known Johnny's heart sunk a little. Mike patted his knee pulling him away from his thoughts "this is a new beginning! I'm so proud of you! I always will be Johnny." Mike spoke "always..." he whispered to himself.
         Johnny was lost in his thoughts again, thoughts of his mum, thoughts his Tee & Hope. And thoughts of him.... thoughts of that monster that was always in the corner of Johnny's eye always hiding in the shadows, always hiding in the places we are too afraid to look at for more than a glance.  The demon that was Hope's father. But Johnny was ready!
Ready as he'd ever be........
          The car slowed as it pulled up to Sandhurst. The first day of his new life. The first day of the new him.
     The Buzz and bustle of the kit room was rowdy. He carried his kit towards the barracks. The air was pierced by a hoarse Yell "WILL YOU LOT KINDLY REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE NOW SOLDIERS!" Johnny swallowed hard. It was fight or flight time.
               Johnny stood in a line up with 12 Other young men. All with shiny boots, stiff upper lips and eyes full of courage.
  A tall dark haired soldier spoke "My name is Corporal  Murphy over these next 14 weeks I am your mother, father, girlfriend, grandma and your god all rolled into one! You are mine & I am yours!" Johnny's eyes glazed over ears pricked.  Listening with full intent. " 14 weeks is all I have to make you lot soldiers! It is not easy being in the British army!" Johnny's weight shifted as the Corporal walked towards his end of the line. Corporal Murphy shook his head "the PlayStation generation." He tutted and then continued "Those determined enough will Pass out. Those who find new strengths and dig deeper then they ever thought they could will Pass through. Those that do not give up in the face of adversity will do alright. I honour you that! You want it enough, you shall have it! Those that aren't 100%  focused, will fail! I honour you that too!"
                 The Corporal read out a list as the young men Saluted after their names.
"Private Cory, Private Brighten, Private Jones, Private Bell, Private King, Private Smith, Private Price, Private Paulson, Private Coleson, Private Best,Private Tommy & Private Taylor"
                                Those words Rattled round Johnny's head whilst he sat up in bed with his headphones in looking at photos & videos of Tee & Hope.
       'Tee smiled whilst holding Hope on her hip "are you going to wave to Johnny?" Tee cooed whilst Hope giggled. The Sunshine Hazed over the three sibling, the sunlight danced in Hopes eyes as she gazed at her brother. Her big brother. Her Hero. All her Dreams and plans started with Johnny.'

           Johnny smiled at the videos & pictures of Tee & Hope. His family, all he needed- he was going to make them proud. He lay down dreaming his heart in his head flashing back to one of the last moments with both his sisters.
     'A tear rolled down Tee's cheek "Johnny please-" Johnny cut his sister off by pulling her into an embrace he stroked the top of Hope's head gently. "I have to Tee, who else is going to create the heroic fairytales Hope needs to be told" Johnny replied as Tee started to cry "But that's just it Johnny, fairytales don't exist, we know that better then anyone!" Johnny looked at Tee's dark eyes filled with tears as she knew nothing she said could change her brothers mind. "Fairytales are always based of something" he replied "Please Johnny, don't split the family up again I can't be a broken family..." Tee choked, Johnny pulled her into an embrace and whispered into his eldest  sisters head "Kintsugi"'
                 And with that the dreams drifted away, but will he be the Dragon slayer or GI Johnny - or could he be both.

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