II - Adventitious

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He slept horribly through the night, pre-ruts were always dreadful but this one had taken the prize for a long shot.

Jeongguk couldn't believe that he'd dreamed of pushing his eggs inside the prettiest omega he had ever seen.

And even though he tried to recall the omega, he could only remember his warm body, his face and that he was male.

Ever since he first dreamt of him around a month ago, he never before felt as worked up, but now all he wanted to do was to desperately find the muse that visited in his sleep, the one that even with only a few murky memories got stuck in his head the whole day.

Needless to say, Jeongguk wanted to know if he was real, and if so, who was he.

"I've heard that you only see the faces of people you crossed before with on your dreams, so maybe you already vaguely know who it is." Seokjin had said when he told him about it. "Who knows, maybe he's your mechanic, the son of a business partner that you once saw in a gala, even the cute barista down the street." 

Jeongguk just sighed and shook his head no, sipping a bit at the coffee Seokjin had brought him.

"No, hyung, I would've never let this omega go if I caught even just a whiff of his scent." Jeongguk said, rummaging through his desk to distract himself from popping a boner. "It was heavenly, just, he just smelt so good, his skin even had a slight aftertaste of snow pear."

Seokjin, who was sprung all over the couch in his office, huffed.

"C'mon, you know all the popsicle Kims besides the ones we guard are gone, and I know that the fates once told you that your other half would be 'As cold as frostbite', but they're gone, and even if they weren't, it would be almost impossible to find a Kim shifter that is also a carrier alive." Seokjin huffed in disbelief, and Jeongguk pushed his tongue to the inside of his cheek, feeling bothered by the elder's words. "Y'know I'm pretty sure that if any of our informants detected any snow pear around, they would've told us right away." He said and went to rest a hand on his shoulder.

"I know hyung, but what if he's using dragon flower or suppressors and that's why I wasn't able to scent him."

"That's a possibility too, so I guess you have to go get your morning coffee yourself now, just so you can find out if you've encountered the barista of your wet dreams."

Jeongguk growled loudly as Seokjin darted out of his office with a chuckle, the coffee he brought going away with him.

But maybe his hyung had a point, going out for a while could perhaps help him take his mind off things.

He could always ask someone of his staff to get the coffee for him, but he knew they all were probably busy, even his secretary must be working on his weekly schedule.

So he went to get it himself, it was quite close, barely three streets down a nice park that divided his buildings −and that he refused to close−, the small cafe that was conveniently located besides a bakery, one that made Jeongguk's favorite banana bread.

He might get himself a nice slice for breakfast, he hasn't been eating that constantly thanks to his damned pre-rut. With that thought in mind, he walked through the crowded streets of Seoul, nobody dared step too close to him, so he didn't have to worry about unwanted touches or bitter scents.

He was about to head into the bakery when he heard the bell of the coffee shop besides it twinkle, a stream of people coming out of it, blue hair catching his attention in between the warm colors of the others.

The blue haired man almost hit him on his rush to somewhere else, and Jeongguk would've demanded an apology if it wasn't for the faintest, almost not there, scent of snow pears.

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