🎂Participants form🎂

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The participants form will be short and to the point,
So be precise while filling up the form.
Inline comments are appreciated.

Participants form:

1) Username:

2) Book title:

3) Genre:

4) No.of chapters:

5) Status(ongoing/completed):

6) Mature:

7) Have u followed all the rules:

8) Have u voted the book we have mentioned:

9) Password:

10) Tag 5+ :

Note: please comment inline, otherwise your book will not be accepted


The following genres are accepted:

*Adventure/Action (1/10)

*Romance (1/10)

*LGBTQ+ (0/10)

*Mystery/Thriller. (0/10)

*Horror/paranormal (0/10)

*Fantasy (2/10)

*Poetry (1/10)

*Short stories/ one shots: (0/10)

*Vampire/Werewolves. (0/10)

*Supernatural/spiritual (0/10)

*Fanfiction (5/10)

*Teen fiction (0/10)

*General fiction (0/10)

*Historical fiction (0/10)

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