🎂Rules for participants🎂

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* No being mean or rude to other participants and judges. If we find you are bullying others, you will be thrown out of the contest.

* No negative comments. We won't accept this as we have worked really hard to conduct these Awards.

* To enter your book should have 5 chaps excluding prologue or description.

* For poetry 3 chaps, excluding author's note, prologue, cast and aesthetics.

* Your books must be under 2k reads.

* Your book should be in English.

* You have to give permanent follow to these ACC's

Booklover_786. - the host



* You need be an active wattpad user.

* Give a shout-out to this book on your message board.

* Add this book to your public and private reading list.

* Password : "your favourite flavour of cake"

* You can only submit three books of different genres.

* No bribing the judges.

* Must follow your respective judges once it is announced.

* If you change your username or book title please let us know.

Everyone should follow the rule strictly.....if u haven't then we will notify u specifically


(You need to follow all the rules, as we will check all the things personally and then we will accept your book.)

The Royal Cakes Awards 2020 (Closed)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя