Part Two

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     "Okay hey thats no fair! British people don't eat weird foods!" Harry laughs calls the bartender back over. 
     "I'm telling you Harry, beans and toast is not normal!!" Harry bears his teeth in a sweet smile and turns to the bartender. We've been talking for a while but honestly I've lost track of time. I turn in my seat to scan the dance floor for Becca, failing to spot her. I frown and pull out my phone.

**No New Notifications**
Harry catches my frown. "Something wrong?" I nod, "Yeah, I came here with my roommate but I cant find her. I think I'll try calling." Harry shakes his head. "There's no service, do you want to go outside and try again?" I'm a little wary about leaving because she might be here still, but I won't go far. "Sure," We hop off the chairs and start for the door.

Harry keeps his head down the whole time but we're still met with stares. I want to question it but I'm more worried about Becca right now. Harry holds the door open for me and the night breeze brushes our faces. Almost everybody outside is looking at us now. "Weird," I thought to myself. While still keeping his head down, Harry turns toward me and away from everyone else.
"Hey do you think we could duck into a store or something for a few?" He speaks rather quickly, seeming eager for an answer. "Sure, yeah no problem! Why is everyon-" He cuts me off. "Oh um I don't know but c'mon let's go."

He guides me down the street, looking at the store fronts as we go. "What about this?" We both say at the same time, laughing at our coincidence. "Sure," Harry holds the door open for me and we step inside. My eyes meet a small, low lit store. It's filled wall to wall with old records, leaving a musty familiar smell hanging in the air. "Wow," He breathes. Earlier in the club we both found that we have the same appreciation for an older genre of music, making this place a dream for the both of us.

     "What the hell, I've literally lived here a year and a half and haven't known about this?" I questioned. Becca and I made sure to get as much city exposure as possible when we moved, I guess we missed a whole side of town. "Love I've lived in and out of here since I was 16 and just found out about this," He responds to me, "Well this can be our place then, Harry," I respond through heart palpitations caused by my new nickname. Harry and I start looking around, finding many favorites piled under years of dust. We climb the second floor and find a couch and table. I walk over the the couch and sit down. "My heels are killing me oh my gosh," Harry joins me on the couch. "Well we can take a break anyway, my managers texting me." I'm confused. "Why do you have a manager?" He looks up from his phone and meets my eyes. "I um- I'm an artist." Then it suddenly clicks in my brain and I drop my my head in my hands.

"Oh my gosh so you're Harry. As in Harry STYLES. I feel so stupid I guess I have had a lot to drink," He laughs at me. "Thats okay love, I just hope that you're okay being on the news tomorrow." Oh no. People saw us? We were outside for a couple minutes! "The people staring were the paparazzi?!" I ask amazed at how quickly he was found. "Yeah, sadly. It actually took them a long time to find me this time. But we should probably leave soon while they're distracted, my manager said Johnny Depp is down the street." I go to stand up but do a double take. "You're telling me the Johnny Depp is down the street??" He laughs at me again. "Yes I'm afraid so. But we should get going,"

We both stand up and go back down the stairs. I notice there is a back exit and point it out. "Hey Harry do you want to go out this door? "That's a great idea, yes!" He opens the door for me and I step out into the cool breezy night. It's so sad that Harry has to hide himself from everyone because he can't get a moment of peace. "Hey," I say. He stops walking and turns to me. "I'm sorry that you have to live like this, constantly sneaking around to get peace and quiet," He looks down and shrugs. " I've been living like this for a while darling it doesn't get better or worse, it just becomes- normal," I frown. "That's s-" As i was about to respond, my phone starts ringing. I turn it on to see Becca's name lighting up the screen. "Beccas calling!" I turn away from Harry and press answer.

"Becca where have you been? I was looking everywhere !!"

"I'm sorry babe I was with that guy and umm I'm at his apartment? Sorry I'm staying with him for the rest of the weekend too because he has tickets to a concert he wants to take me to! I'll see you back at home on Tuesday!!" The line goes dead.

Harry notices my disappointed face and frowns. "What's wrong? Is your friend okay?" I smile at him and laugh. "Yeah shes okay she's just hooking up with some guy right now. But this time she's gone until tuesday," He looks surprised. "This time? Does she normally ditch you?" "Sadly, yes. But it's okay I always find a movie to watch at home so it's fine." "Wow, well I can give you a ride back home if you want?" "That would be great! I can give you dir-"

      I stop in my tracks, actually really embarrassed this time. I'm fucked. Harry looks at me, an amused look hanging on his face. "Uh Anna, is there something wrong again? You forgot to finish your sentence.. uh for the second time" He chuckles waiting for an answer. I drop my head in my hands. "Um well my roommate has the key. And we don't have a spare. Andddd our landlord is out of town for the week." Harry laughs at my unfortunate situation. "Well shit," We start walking again. "Yeah, shit. Can you take me to a hotel?" Harry shakes his head and opens the passenger side door for me.

     I sit in the cold leather seat, trying to decipher what he's about to say since he just told me no. He climbs in the car and starts the engine. "I have a few extra bedrooms in my house, you can stay there for the weekend if you want?" Did he just, invite me? For a sleepover ? I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. "I- i would be fine at a hotel, I wouldn't want to intrude it's okay" Shit, Diana you should have said yes that would have been fun. Do I even have enough money for a hotel ? Definitely not. "No really, I'm the only one there I wouldn't mind the company" He turns on the radio, welcoming Fleetwood Mac to the car ride. I hesitate with the answer. "Sure, if you really wanted to have a sleepover you could have just said something." He laughs.

    We sit in peaceful silence for the rest of the way, about five minutes. We definitely have the same music taste, because this radio station is everything I listen to. I catch myself singing along and look over to see Harry joining in. I smile to myself and look out the window at the busy night lights shooting by. We slow down and turn into a gated neighborhood.

     Literally what the actual fuck. These houses probably cost millions. They're modernly built, white cement molded into rooms and rooms of space. It's beautiful at night, the streetlights complimenting the intricate architecture on either sides of the street. We come to the end of the street and turn left, onto Beachwood Boulevard. We stop at 928, and pull in.

     My breath catches in my throat and I swallow. Okay, this is intimidating. We get out of the car and start up the walkway. He grabs his keys out of his pocket and unlocks the door. I step in before him and he shuts the door behind us. He invites me to take off my shoes and leave my coat on the wrought- iron rack standing beside us. We step further into the house. He turns to me.

     "Erm, do you like want a tour ?"


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