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Caroline's POV
I woke up and then got a shower. When I was done, I put on my strapless blue dress, with my black leather jacket, with my blue heels. I then went to the kitchen and got a blood bag out of the fridge. I drank it and then grabbed my purse. I then headed downstairs and to my car. I got in and decided to go shopping today. I went to the nearest mall, which was about 20 minutes away.

I arrived at the mall, and went to a couple shops. I then stopped and got something to eat. I then continued shopping for about 3 more hours. I then drove home. Home, I can't remember the last time something felt like home. When I arrived home, I carried my bags to my apartment. I then dropped them on the couch. My phone rang. It was Stefan, I answered.

I said, " Hey, Stef! What's up?"

He said, " Hey, care. I was calling and making sure you are enjoying it there?"

I said, " Stefan, I am fine. New Orleans is a fun and amazing city. I mean you should see this city for yourself. When are you coming here?"

He said, " I will be there in 2 weeks. I have to find where Damon went. He just up and left. Then five bodies end up with a vampire bite in their neck, drained of blood."

I said, " Seriously? Can't he not get into trouble every five minutes? Well, when you find him punch him in the face for me."

He laughed and said, " I will. What are you doing?"

I said, " Well, I just got done shopping, and shopping is no fun on your own. I can't believe you didn't want to come here with me. I mean I need someone to drag to the mall."

He said, " I didn't want to go right away. Mostly because I knew Elena and Bonnie will bug you until they knew where you were. Right now, Elena hasn't noticed you are gone. Bonnie noticed, and I told her that you are fine and just need some time. But don't worry, I will be there in 2 weeks. I promise."

I said, " Well, I am holding you to it. If you don't show up, I will personally drag you down here."

He laughed and said, " Alright. Talk to you, soon. Bye Care, Be safe."

I said, " I know. Bye."

I then hung up. I then made some dinner. Which was mostly just noodles and chicken. I then decided to go out. I got my purse and then headed downstairs and outside.

I decided to take a walk to that bar, that is five minutes down the road. It was called, 'Rousseau's'. It is a nice cool night. The breeze isn't too harsh, and the weather is perfect. There are some jazz musicians on the street performing.

I made it to the bar, there was live music playing. I then took a seat at the bar, and the bartender came over and asked, " What will it be?"

I said to him, " Bourbon."

He nodded and poured the bourbon and gave it to me. I took a drink and someone said, " Hello, Beautiful."

I looked over to my left, and a handsome man stood there. I said, " Not interested."

He said, " Well, my name is Marcel. What brings you to the quarter?"

I said, " None of your business. What are you like the king or something?"

He laughed and said, " In fact, I am the king of the quarter. I make sure everything going normal. But then I see a beautiful, blonde vampire here, that I never met."

I said, " Now, how did you know I was a Vampire?"

He said, " Well, I have sources everywhere in the quarter. Plus you have a daylight ring. Who made that for you?"

I said, " A friend that isn't really a friend anymore."

He said, " Well, how about you let me buy you a drink?"

I said, " No. I came here to drink not to meet people. So, turn around and go."

He said, " Feisty, I like it."

I rolled my eyes, and he walked off. I turned back to my drink and finished it. The bartender came and refilled my glass. Someone sat on my right, they said, " Hello, love."

I looked over and there was a very handsome attractive man. He had long yet short curly hair, that you just want to run your hand through. Then he had a god like physique. He had deep ocean blue eyes that make you get lost in. He smirked when he noticed I was gawking at him.

I turned my head away, and tried to hide my blush. He said, " Can I buy you a drink, love?"

God, he is British! I took a deep breath and said, " No."

I then slammed cash on the bar top. I got up and the guy said, " Maybe another time?"

I turned around and said, " Another lifetime."

I then turned back around and heads out the door. I then walked home. I arrived home and changed into my tank top and short shorts. I then hopped into bed and went to sleep.

British Guy POV
She left and I was shocked. No one can turn me down. Women usually beg at my feet. This is a first and I don't intend to give up. She is beautiful, strong, and feisty. I love that in a woman. I personally, love the chase. I then drink and then head back to the plantation house. Elijah apparently had a plan to get our home and our city back from Marcellus. He is having trouble finding a good way to get our home back. My plan was War. But he is acting the older brother and wanting to take charge of the situation.

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