the girl in red,, x fem!reader

16 0 0

type; gxg

t.warning?; not really, quick mention of alcohol and smoking

your house; Hufflepuff

word total; 1554

It was a rather gloomy day, dark clouds rolled overhead with slight sprinkles of chilly rain. Funnily enough, it didn't match the buzzing around the castle, no, not at all. Students roamed around chattering happily, girls giggling and goggling at the boys, and the boys appearing as if they saw a ghost. You see, it had just been announced that they'd have a Yule Ball. No wonder every romantic person was head over heels for such an idea, and the males appeared faint knowing they'd be the ones more or less needing to make a move.

However, you were in a different boat. Sure, part of you was sorta happy about this get up, but you also had other things in mind. Out of all the females (although there were most likely tons more closested people), you weren't gazing at the handsome Harry Potter, not the devilishous Draco Malfoy and not even Hufflepuff's prince, Cedric Diggory. In fact, your twinkling (e/c) eyes seemed to always be glued on a particular frizzy/bushy chestnutted female, wearing around her neck a neatly placed red and gold tie. Her tanned glowing skin being oh so beautiful from miles away. You were awe struck.

The only problem is never really spoke to her. As much as you wanted to, you were far too shy and nervous. Wouldn't it be weird for some random Hufflepuff she's never heard of before, come waltzing over and asking her to the ball? Plus, she seemed to have a thing going for Krum. You were far more eager just listening to her speak in the few shared classes you had together, and glazing your orbs over her form from where you sat at the Great Hall. Your friends never ceasing their teasing at your love dazed look.


Sometime had passed, the event taking place in a matter of weeks and your friends and you still hadn't taken your time wisely to go out to Hogsmede and look around for dresses. You weren't too sure what style you were looking for, you wanted to be elegant but not have the longest of dresses that you'd tread along.

The girls all had dates, you didn't. A pit in your stomach grew realizing this. Word had already gotten around that Krum in-fact had asked the Gryffindor girl out, knocking your spirits to the floor. Your friends all had sympathy, always reassuring that they'd still take their sweet time to come and talk to after their dancing with their partners.

"You know (y/n) could always ask Loon— Luna Lovegood as your date. As friends of course." One of them piped up while pushing the dresses she didn't like out of the way.

-"Yeah! Ask her!" A distant voice in the back shouted.

-"You're all out of your mind, who would want Lovegood there? She's too weird... she'd probably show up with one of those handmade dresses that make no sense."

That comment really fired you up, sure Luna wasn't your average Joe, but she was an amazing person who was just misunderstood and taken advantage of. You had to step your foot in to defend the blonde third year. "Will you guys stop it? Sure she's different, but that doesn't mean she doesn't deserve respect. So would you shut your gob?" You seethed, irritation and tensions rising. "I'd love to ask Luna, however I don't think I'd be much fun. I'd most likely ditch the joint anyways."

The other three all looked at each other after your mini explosion, brushing you off and continuing to gossip while looking for dresses. They always did this, took too long, gossiped, get you mad, and you'd leave. Which is exactly what you did, a simple dress you found off the rack. It was a simple peachy cream coloured gown, decorated with flowers. Flowing very nicely, giving a lightweight feel. Paying, you left hastily to the castle alone, dress in a bag.

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