“Yeah, I’m fine. What happened to you?” she says, indicating the cut on my head.

I move the fabric away to show her it isn’t bad.

“I could ask you the same thing.” I reply, and she touches a hand to her face.

“Touché.” She says, raising an eyebrow and I laugh.

My laugh promptly fades though, a serious look coming over me.

“How’s Magnus?” I ask anxiously.

“He’s okay, Alec. He got a pretty bad wound to his waist, but you already knew that. It didn’t it any organs or anything. Looked a lot worse than it actually was. He’s okay, he’ll be down for the meeting.”

I nod. “Jace? And Clary? Simon said she hurt her ankle.”

“Yeah, it’s sprained, quite badly. She’ll live though. Jace is fine. I think the only wound he got was to his pride; Dad made him go help look after the injured whilst we organised the meeting because Dad said he “just couldn’t be sensible” and “was making a fool of himself and all the other shadowhunters”.” Izzy laughs. “Personally, I thought it was hilarious.”

There’s a familiar ache in my chest and I step back, dragging Izzy with me towards the back wall.

“Sorry, sorry. It’s the curse.” I explain, slightly breathlessly, though I don’t know why as I don’t need to breathe.

Her face softens. “I know. But at least you know he’s here.”

I look across the room, but I can’t see him over the dozens of people. I nod vacantly to Izzy, then a familiar voice calls the room to order, and the meeting begins.

“Good afternoon to both the shadowhunters, and our friends from the Downworld.” Jia begins. She stands in the middle of the room with her husband, Patrick, my father and mother, and is commanding the room with quiet authority. “We are so fortunate to be here. We may be injured. We may have lost loved ones.” I see the red runes of Remembrance and Mourning, fresh on the arms of a view devastated-looking shadowhunters. “But,” Jia continues. “We are not defeated. And that is due to you; our treasured, respected Downworld allies.”

Some applause follows, and Jia pauses before continuing.

“We acknowledge and understand that without the intervention we received, we would not have survived this battle. Clearly, we were not always open to the idea of this alliance,” At this, my father receives a few glares. “But we are now pleased and proud of our new allies. And we would like to give our particular thanks,” she smiles. “To Mr Alec Lightwood.”

I look up, puzzled.

Bloodloss: An Alec and Magnus (Malec) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now