Chapter 20

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I wake up on the cold, stone floor of the Insititute Sanctuary, with no recollection of how I got here. My hip hurts from being pressed to the floor all night. There’s an ache in my head, and when I touch a hand to it, I find a cut along my temple. I must have got it in the battle and not even noticed. It doesn’t seem to be bleeding any more, though. At least, there’s no blood on my hand when I touch it.

I push myself onto my elbows and look around.  Raphael’s here, curled up to the pillar by the wall. Some other vampires I recognise from the Praetor are here, including Chris and the two vampires who were talking to some of Luke’s pack last night. Everyone’s packed together, some people who know each other lay close. Simon is just waking up, along with most of the others. I wave him over.

“Hey, you okay?” I ask.

“Yeah, you?” he replies.

He has a black eye and a bruise along his cheekbone, but he seems relatively uninjured.

“I’m fine.” I tell him. “How’s Izzy? And Jace and Clary?”

“I saw Izzy and Clary last night. They’re okay. Clary’s got a pretty bad sprain or something to her ankle, but she’ll be fine.”

“I saw Jace last night, and he looked okay.” I say, and then hesitate. “Is there any news…I mean, have you heard if Magnus is…?”

He smiles ruefully and shakes his head. “Sorry, Alec. I haven’t heard anything.”

I sigh. “Okay, well, I’ll see you later.”

“Yeah, see you soon.” He nods, and goes over to Lily to point her in Raphael’s direction, and help her to her feet.

Around half an hour later, everyone is awake. It would be hard to sleep through the noise in the Sanctuary. Despite the noise, which should be distracting me, my mind is refusing to obey my orders to stop worrying about Magnus. So I do what I did last night when anxiety was threatening to swallow me up; I throw myself into looking after the others. One of the shadowhunters has left a bandages and medical supplies, and I set to work with them.

I spend the next hour going from person to person, checking they’re okay, changing bandages and cleaning wounds. I check people for broken bones, help others to their feet or to find friends. Soon enough, it’s obvious that no one is fatally injured, thankfully.

As I’m washing the dried blood off the cut on my own head, the door opens. A slightly injured, extremely tired, group of shadowhunters and Downworlders pour into the Sanctuary. I press a bundled piece of fabric to my head, stemming the small trickle of blood that clearing my wound has brought, and pick my way through the crowd to Izzy.

“Hey, how are you?” I ask her.

She looks a little worse for wear; her face slightly swollen around her high cheekbones. She’s basically fine though, so I try not to worry too much. I think I worry too much.

Bloodloss: An Alec and Magnus (Malec) FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora