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((3rd Person POV))

Marshal brought Y/n to the Candy Kingdom where Gumball is waiting for them to arrive in his Laboratory.

"Hello your highness" Marshal bowed in a seemingly sarcastic way laughing himself calmly from Gumball's annoyed reaction.

"Another human?" Prince Gumball asked Y/n, happiness were taking over his face and it's cleary because of a plan on hand. Which is multiplying the number of human beings in the land of AAA..

"Yes I'm a human.. " Y/n answer with a slight doubt in her eyes.

"Good cause I recently found a male human. Fionna doesn't want to date him but you can" Prince Gumball informed all of them with excitement, yet this brilliant plan of his went downhill after Marshall involved himself in the conversation.

"Your highness sorry to ruin your expectations but this girl is currently going out with me" Marshal suddenly pulled her towards him, wrapping his arms on her shoulders and at the same time,
Y/n's having second thoughts whether to agree with him or not, since they both just met each other. She's about to reject Marshalls plan, when a familiar figure presented himself from the other room..

"Y/n?" Finn questioned while holding onto his wounded arm.

"Oh right Marshal and I are dating!" She suddenly said clinging onto Marshal Lee, changing her decision to finally agree with the plan.

"Is he the reason why you're escaping?" Marshal whispered a question towards Y/n..

"Yes he is. I'm now under your care but no seriousness involved, alright?" Y/n whispered back..

Finn's eyes grew wider before it shuts close, looking away from the two.. But then Finn realized he needs to support Y/n about her new found relationship since he is one of her friends.

"Y/n Don't you think it's too early for that? Not like I disapprove of your relationship with a vampire but.. I'm just worried that you might be having a wrong decision since you two just met each other a while ago, right?" Finn said with worry.

"I.. I fell in love with Marshal at first sight!" Y/n covered the doubts with lies pretending to be a woman who falls in love with Marshall at first sight.

"And I was the same." Marshal shown his usual devilish smirk, kind of mocking Finn from his successful action.

Y/n and Marshal both laugh at the same time with a hint of awkwardness.

"Y/n.. Let me talk to you for a minute.. And Uhmm Marshal please lend me
Y/n for a while" Finn asked the vampire politely as Marshal nodded his head for approval. Finn dragged the girl into a vacant dark room.

"Y/n.. I really wanted to apologize for what happened. Y/n .. I was disappointed knowing that my most trusted friend lied all along and my mind turned bonkers without allowing myself to hear you out first.. It's wrong on my part. I should have listened to your explanation earlier.. I can see why you need to cover your true identity. It's because of your tough past, a reason why it became hard for you to trust others.. I understood.. Now that I heard everything, all the disappointment turn to myself. I'm really sorry!" Finn bowed in front of the listening girl.

"It's alright. At least you understand the reasons now. To be honest I wanna punch your face whenever you're giving me the cold shoulder and ignore my presence. I can't even start a conversation with you back theb. Luckily you understood.. Thanks Finn"

"Say Y/n are you really going out with a stranger?" Finn asked changing the subject.

"Hmp he's not a stranger anymore, he protected me a couple of times without even knowing me!" Y/n covered for Marshal, it is the truth after all. But then Finn's expression grew more lonelier as he lift his hand, cupping Y/n's cheek, stroking her hair gently.

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