Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Wake up! It's 8:00 am! Where the heck are my morning Starbucks?"

"Where is my dress? Where are my pumps? Where is my Chanel makeup?!"

Two high-pitched voices shouted at the intercom, seemingly unaware that it is in fact 8 am on a Sunday.

I went to get a shower amidst the screaming voices of my fraternal sisters. My clothes were thrown out from the closet in a hurry. I don't even have the time to comb my hair! But it's better that my sisters' horse tail updo.

I fixed, or tried to fix, my blonde hair into a bun but failed miserably. Madamoiselle doesn't allow me to take even a dollar out of the house without her permission even if it's just for a haircut. So I pull my overgrown bangs to the back of my head and put a checkered blue and white bow to hold them together.

My stepmother likes to be called Madamoiselle, because it means that she is single and available. Although, she is neither single nor available, for she already married my father. Not that it matters, no sane man will ever come near her, you know, 'cause she is an insane witch and she probably has a voodoo doll hiding somewhere. She is way beyond her prime too, but she has botox so she thinks she's still as young as her biological daughters and me. And yes, she's french, about as much as a homo sapien has a neanderthal DNA.

I run to the grand doors of my home, ignoring the yelling of Drizella and Anastasia, and go get their starbucks from across the street or go find their expensive jewelry, makeup, or clothes.

1. Caramel Machiato

2. Mocha Frappe

3. Chocolate Chip

4. Hot Black Coffee

5. Hot Capuccino

6. Hot Machiato (+loads and loads of sugar)

*all decaf and tall

I've memorized the order since the third grade. They have been ordering me to go on errands since then.

I continued to run to Starbucks in my worn out Converse sneakers. I don't need new ones anyways. My feet will stay in size 6 forever.

When I got there, ten people were already lined up and I don't think they will give up their spot for my sake. So I go to the side of the counter and ask the barrista, Jake, for an emergency coffee order. He memorized the order like me.

Jake is sort of an acquaintance that I've known for a few months now. He has a 6.2 feet height so I look like santa's elf beside a giant Christmas tree.

"Hey there E!"he greeted when he saw me, "What do you need now?"

"The usual please..." I said -or more like groaned.

"Bad morning?"he asked.

"Try awful morning with a hint of terrible-ness,"I said.

He didn't ask for more information and left me to my misery. Five minutes later, I got my coffee, ahead of most of the people in the line. But before I can go, some dude with really nice shoulders and biceps and chest and... oh my god that face!

He has that usual dark chocolate hair and emerald eyes that every girl would want their boyfriends to have. His jaw and cheekbones could make him an international model instantly.

As I was saying, he was just standing there like a post or something. He almost made me spill the coffee!

But I can't honestly say that I was not very happy that he was there.

"I saw that," he said while flashing me a very, very faint-worthy smirk. "You know he could get fired for that."

"S-saw... w-what?" I stammered.

"Don't worry, I won't tell as long as you get me my coffee using your fast pass too." He whispered to me threateningly.

"Fast-pass? What is this Disneyland?"

I don't have time or his crap so I mouthed 'help' to Jake. One glance at the guy beside me and he immediately knew what to do.
"Sir what's your order?" Jake asked.

"One Chocolate Frappe and a cheese cake please," the handsome guy said.

"Now that this is done, I have to go back and deliver this to my tyrant family," I said in a hurry.

"No, wait." he said with a commanding voice. "What's your name?" He asked.

"Sorry but I don't talk to strangers," I replied.

"At least write it in a napkin... plus your number maybe?" The green eyed monster said.

"Too cliche! Try something else next time!" I yell as I walk away.

I ran to the exit before he can answer but I swear that I saw another smirk. Maybe I was just imagining it.

My sisters are going to kill me. But when I got there, all I hear is squeals of five year-old girls from the living room. I went to the grand room with the coffee to find out that those five year-old girls are actually my sixteen year-old sisters and they are squealing at the TV. It was all very strange until I saw the picture of the handsome guy that I met at Starbucks with what seems to be his family. There was a caption that read: Royal Family of Tarzania arrived yesterday.

You could say that my mind is currently loading. I coudn't process any of this. The only explanation that I can think of is that Starbucks guy is an evil clone that was created to kill the other guy in the picture on the TV and take his place.

There is absolutely no way that person of royalty will go in a small and overly crowded Starbucks by himself and talk to a complete stranger, or rather threaten a teen girl to get his coffee earlier when he can get it on his own much faster!

"Get out of my way"

Mademoissele's steely voice brought me out of my reverie and into reality. I stepped away from the double doors of the living room and brought their orders to the mahogany coffee table.

"What took you so long?" Drizella asked.

"She was probably flirting with that barrista again," Anastasia said.

"That barrista's name is Jake and I am not a slut like you two."

As soon as I said those words, I realize my stepmom is going to kill me soon, so I run up the winding staircase, up to my tiny bedroom room before she can even utter a word, slamming the creeking door shut and plopping down on my short bed.

Oh! What a wonderful life...



As you may have noticed, I changed my username and I deleted all my stories. I am currently busy with school, so I am going to continue this book but drop all the rest.


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2015 ⏰

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