Holding Back

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Author: @joymoment


This story is mainly about two teenagers Jace and Haley who are in highschool. Haley is an introvert who lives a pretty boring life. Her best friend moved away and now she is always alone. She hasn't mastered the socialisation process and really doesn't think it's worth the bother if everyone is going to leave.

In private Hailey's life is falling apart even as she wears a wall as her public mask.

Jace on the other hand is Mr Popular, making friends left and right.

It's strange to know that those two are neighbour's. Haley considers Jace a playboy and resents him for it.

The characters:

I've learnt that Haley may be quiet and antisocial but inside she really just wants to belong

Jace is actually very kind he may appear to be a player but he's just waiting for that one girl.


The plot mainly outline the struggles of teenagers. Each one is different but share many of the same issues.

It also addresses the idea that there is always something more going on than what we see on the surface.

What I like :

I like how the book is so  detailed and the way it brings the complexities of teenage life to the forefront and openly addresses everyday issues.

I also like the author's writing style.

What I Didn't Like:

I can't say I dislike anything about the story. It's great.

Stamp of Approval:

As a teenager I found the characters and their struggles quite relateable.

I would definitely buy this.

By : Tia Daniels

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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