The Lower Manhattan Mafia

Start from the beginning

My eyes go wide as I realize that Albert fell right into their trap. A couple of men laugh, making a joke about Albert being stupid.

"Sorry, Y/n! I was bein' stupid! I'se so sorry!" Albert yells to me. At the sound of his voice, my heart breaks, and a warm tear rolls down my face.

"It's okay, Albie! It's okay!" I yell back, my voice cracking from sadness and fear. The strange men leave my cell, and I hear a cell door shut from the next room over.

The head mafia member comes back and stands outside of my locked cell, smirking at me like he just won. Which he did.

"Your execution will be in one houah. Wanna tell me your preferred style of execution?" He asks, taunting me by trying to make me think that I have a choice. I let out a sniffle before glaring directly into the monster's soul.

"Go to hell," I say through gritted teeth, my spit shooting out of my mouth. 

"Well then, I'll see you there. Anyways, you'll be sleepin' with the fishes by sunrise," the boss says before leaving.

It's only now that I realize that it must be midnight, or something. Which means that Race still probably doesn't know that I'm missing. His last words to me are permanently etched into my skull, "If you ain't there by sundown, then don't even think 'bout comin' back at all"

I wonder how long he'll be thinking that I just didn't want to go back home. I wonder how long he'll think I hate him.

"Y/n, you hurt?" Albert's voice breaks me from my dreaded thoughts. I shake my head, even though I know he can't see.

"No," I say quietly. It silent for a couple seconds, apart from my sniffling. "Are you?"

"Just a bit, but nothin' that I ain't had done before," Albert says with a depressed chuckle, almost as though he's trying to make it seem like he's fine. It's quiet again, before I hear him let out a sob. "So we're gonna die tahday?"

"It appears so," I say with a similar saddened chuckle that he gave me. "At least I got to find out who killed my mom before I died."

"Wait, you did?" Albert asks with an almost hopeful tone. "Who did it?"

"The same fuckers that are scheduling our deaths," I say, which only leads to more silence. "I do wish that I had the chance to see her killer behind bars. God, there's so may things that I'll never get to experience."

"Tell me about it," Albert says. "I always wanted tah find my dad." I freeze up. Despite Albert being my best friend, he has a lot of secrets. One of those secrets is his family, which all I know is that his mom died of Yellow Fever. "He was never around when I was a kid. He left when I'se was just three. I have two olda bruddas that went with 'im, too. So they left me mudda tah raise me on her own. But when I was seven, she died. Didn't even have enough money tah see a doctah. If I was able tah live long enough, I'd find my dad, and give 'im what my mah should've given 'im on the day he left. A ripe ol' beatin'."

I chuckle at the way he phrased it. It makes my heart feel warm to hear him talk about his past, even though it's filled with so much torture and grim.

"If I was to live long enough, I'd get a job. Like a real job. One that no one would expect a woman to get. Like a detective," I say with a smile, thinking about endless career paths I could go down.

"Yeah, you'd be one hell of a detective," Albert says. I can tell by the tone of his voice that he's smiling. "Anodda thing I would do, is kiss the love of my life, and tell her how much she means to me. That is, if she would also be alive wit' me."

"Oh... Who would this 'love of your life' be?" I ask, feeling my heart break even more than is already physically possible.

"Well, she has the most beautiful, luscious h/c hair. E/c eyes that you could get lost in fah hours. And she's trapped in a cell next tah me," Albert says. I feel my heart stop at his words.

"Wait, what?" I ask, obviously shocked at his bold words. He lets out a single laugh and it melts into a happy sigh.

"If I'm gonna die in an houah, I have tah be honest. I'se been head ovah heels in love with yis fah ovah half a yeah now,"Albert says, confidence lacing his words. I scoff, knowing my face is probably as red as a beet right now, because of how happy I am.

"You're kidding me, right?" I ask, shocked at his words. He lets out a single, unsure "Nope", which makes me scoff again. "I've had a crush on you for almost three years now."

"Holy crap. Ya serious?" Albert asks.

"No, that was a lie. I totally don't like you," I say, my words drenched in sarcasm. He laughs, and I can tell that he's happy.

"Holy god damn! How? Why?" He asks with joy. I laugh again and think back to how I knew.

"Ever since we became selling partners. We were already friends at that point, but the first day of us working together, one of the Delancey brothers tried to beat me up, expecting you to just let it happen. But instead of letting me get beat up, you punched Morris in the face and told them to 'scram'. And I knew at that moment, I was in love with you," I explain, feeling my heart fill with joy just by recalling what happened. "And I like you because... Well, you're perfect. you're a gentleman, funny, protective, smart, and insanely handsome among other things. The real question is, why do you like me? And how did you find that out?"

"Well, I found out I liked ya the day we solved our foist case. I had a dream dat I kissed yis, and when I woke up, I realized that I wanted tah kiss you then, too. And why? Well, why wouldn't I? Ya poifect. Woids can't even begin to describe how poitfect you ah," Albert says, his voice trailing off as though he is cought up in his own thoughts. He lets out a long and dreamy sigh before he sniffles, which indicates that he's been crying. I can't blame him for that, because I am too. "I wish we could talk forevah about this."

"Hey, it's okay. We still have at least fift-"

Just as I'm about to finish what I was saying, the sound of a door opening and footsteps coming closer from down a long hall cuts me off. I soon see that the footsteps belong to none other than the head of the Mafia himself, who's standing right in front of me and is wearing a snarly smile.

"Extra, extra, kids. Ya execution is actually soonah than I said. In fact, it's now."

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