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I woke up from my sleep and checked the digital clock on the boring bone-white wall. It was 6 am, June 23rd. 

I looked across the room to see Hyunjin, curled up in a little ball and hugging his pillow. I can hear his quiet sobbs, I wanted to go over there and hug him but two sheets of tall glass was preventing me from doing so.

 "Hyunjin! Good morning!" I said, trying to keep it positive. He sat up and rubbed his tears, " Oh, good morning, Y/N" Hyunjin tried to cheer up.

We chatted for a little bit until a JYP staff led us and the 2 other kids in our ward to the cafeteria. The four of us sat at our assigned table and we started to eat.

 While I was munching on the delicious food, I decided to share some information I overheard during my last brain surgery. "I heard the four of us were assigned a certain ability." I told my table mates. "Did you hear who got what?" Sana asked me. I shook my head in response. 

We were predicting who was getting what even though we were all about to be failed experiments. 

"You are Y/N, right?" a staff member asked me. "Yes I am." I replied. "Great!" He said as he started to read off of his clipboard,"So, you have 1 more brain surgery and 2 more injections before you leave, ok?" I nodded.

After breakfast was done Mr.C led me to the surgery room. I don't remember anything after that but I did get my surgery done.

 I woke up on my bed and I saw a Korean boy looking at me. It took me a while to realize it was Hyunjin. "Ah you're awake." He said joyfully. He giggled and flashed an adorable eye smile. "I got a birthday and going away present for you!" He said. 

He whipped out a perfect flower, petals a beautiful shade of sunshine yellow with a tin of copper and the pistil a deep chocolate center running into a lovely mixture of brunette and pecan.

 "I took a quick trip to the sunflower field and I found the most perfect sunflower for you." Hyunjin said softly. The overwhelming beauty of the sunflower left me speechless. 

"Oh aaaand..." He pinned a handmade sunflower clip in my hair. I pulled him in for a tight warm hug. I am pretty sure I will miss him. 

"Miss Y/N, are you ready to meet your new family?" Mr. Lee asked. 

We'll meet again right?

Sunflowers// Hyunjin FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now