Idea Board

24 3 28


So here's what happens in this book.

Someone starts a chapter, but doesn't publish it.

What you do, is you type 200 words.

Then someone adds to it.

Word limit is 200-250 words.

Since there's 5 of us, that would mean that each chapter would have 1000-1250 words total.

Before publishing, during their time to log in, everyone goes over and edits.


Once upon a time, there was a giant living among humans. (Started by HugeBendyFan)

Then the giant ran away because he was being bullied (added by ThatJackassJackie)

The humans were throwing bombs and huge boulders at the giant. (Added by AreebaDazzle)

Etc, etc.

So I think that this set up will be really fun.

We'll see what happens.

First shift for this account is either DrummerThief or me.

So, see you all tomorrow!


Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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