Chapter ❻

676 36 23

**Please note that Flashbacks will be written in italics**
Tommy's POV:-

"I'm not forced to tell you anything Adam!" I snapped at him.

"Tommy,I'm your boyfriend. You shouldn't keep things from me!" He screamed loudly.

"Don't give me that bullshit Adam,You've hidden things before!"
I spun around before he could even open his mouth and argue.I stomped my way upstairs,I could hear Adam following closely behind.
I gasped in surprise when I felt him pull me by my forearm and spinning me around to face him.

"Do not walk away from me when I'm talking to you Tommy Joe!" He hissed
His nails were painfully digging into my skin,It was bound to leave marks soon

I pulled my hand away and shoved him to the side.

"FUCK OFF ALREADY!" I screamed,I could feel tears threatening to spill.
I didn't want this.
I didn't want to fight with him,But I couldn't control my anger.

I made my way to the bathroom and locked the door behind me.

"Tommy open the door!"Adam knocked on the door repeatedly

"I've had enough Adam!" I shouted.

"OPEN THE DOOR"I heard him scream back

"Please stop.." I whimpered pathetically
I waited for him to respond but I was met with nothing but silence.

He left.

I sank to the floor,wrapping my arms around my legs and hugged them tightly to my chest.

My vision was blurred by my tears,I didn't hold them back this time.
I didn't care anymore,I was so tired...

The only sound in the bathroom was the annoying wall clock,I've been on the floor for the past hour and I'm freezing.I looked over at the tub and sighed.

I guess it wouldn't hurt.

I stood up and walked over to the tub,I stripped my clothes off except for my underwear.
I turned on the water and watched the warm water filling up the tub slowly.

I glanced at the door and bit my lip nervously
Should I unlock the door?..
Maybe he would try to talk to me.

Or maybe he left the house because he doesn't want to deal with my shit

I could feel tears making their way back,I shook my head and walked over to the door.
I took a deep breath and unlocked the door but kept it shut.

I walked back to the tub and gently climbed in.
The warm water instantly making me feel better.
I closed my eyes and laid my head back.

I couldn't stop the thoughts from creeping back.

Maybe I just wasn't good enough for him,Do I even make him happy?
I doubt it. All I've ever done is make him miserable

I wouldn't be surprised if he left the damn house.

Maybe he would break up with me

A sob escaped my lips pathetically,They were right.
They were all right.
I'm worthless

I lifted my arm out of the water to check my forearm.
Small bruises where starting to form where Adam had dug his nail.
I gently traced them with my finger,wincing because of the pain


"Baby?.."Adams gentle voice came from behind the door.
I wanted to open the door.I just wanted to feel his arms wrapped tightly and protectively over my fragile frame
I wanted to feel his soft lips against mine and for him to whisper sweet nothings into my ear

I wanted that more than anything

But I stayed in my place,I didn't answer.

"Tommy,please open the door"He whispered

Adam turned the knob,I guess he was expecting it to be locked because once the door opened he was genuinely surprised.

The moment his eyes fell on me they filled with tears.
He walked in and gently closed the door behind him.
Adam sat on the floor next to the tub and stared at me.

"Tommy.."He softly spoke.
I glanced at him,hiding my face behind my hair.
He reached out and pushed the strands of hair away from my face,He pressed his hand against my cheek.
I couldn't help but lean into his touch.

"I'm such a shitty boyfriend.."Adam bitterly laughed

"You're not"I quietly said
I looked at him and stared into his eyes

"I'm the one that's a bad boyfriend,I can't even manage to keep you happy.
You on the other hand,You're so caring and loving.
You would never do anything to hurt me.
But all I seem to do is hurt you.
I sometimes wonder.."Another one of my sobs escaped my lips,I looked away.
I couldn't meet his gaze.
I probably looked weak and pathetic

"I sometimes wonder would be better off without me"I said quietly.
Silence hung in the air,He didn't reply.
I glanced at him,and what I saw shattered my heart
He stood up.

He probably realized that I was right.
I quickly looked away and shut my eyes.
I didn't want to watch him walk away and leave the bathroom.
I hugged my legs to my chest and let my tears fall once again.

My eyes opened instantly when I felt arms wrapping around me tightly and lifting me from the water.
I was surprised when I saw Adam climb into the tub.

Fully clothed

He sat in the tub behind,He turned me so I was facing him and sitting in his lap.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed himself closer to me.

My breath hitched when I realized how close his face was to mine,His hot breath hitting against my lips.

"That's bullshit,Tommy" He whispered

"I would never be better off without you. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.
Can't you understand that I can't live without?
I'm so sorry for shouting at you earlier.
I love you so much Tommy,I never meant to hurt you in any way"

a small smile made its way onto my face.

"I love you too"

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips against his.

Well this was a long chapter,obviously this is a flashback XD
I didn't really point out what they were fighting over so you guys can make up your own reason c:

To be honest,I've actually been considering deleting this story.It doesn't seem very good.
But don't worry, I won't.♥︎

I hope you guys liked this chapter.
Feedback is always appreciated
Please excuse any typos you see > u <

-killer queen

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