Chapter 2 「Getting Trevor」

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On their way through the Chiba City, some of Trevor's men, disguised as police officers, know that Kasumi and her friends are on the way to meet him. They chase Kasumi by a car and shoot the car she's driving.
Trevor's Man: "If you dare to cross this city, we will shoot you down!"
Aya: "Kasumi-chan! Who are they?"
Kasumi: "Those who dare to chase us are his men. The police knows what we are doing, so they surely won't hunt us down. Everyone, just survive from their attacks. I don't think we have any guns to repel them, but when you see them shooting at us, get down."
LAYER: "There is a handgun inside her car. Mashiro found it. It has approximately... 4 bullets."
Ran: "Use them wisely. Those bullets can hunt down chasers."

LAYER then shoots the chasers' front car tires and the front engine, causing the car to immobilize and explode, killing the chasers. They keep going, until they are able to reach Kamogawa in 100 minutes.

Kasumi: "We made it! We are able to reach this place, but hurry, we have no time to stick around!"

They go down from the car, and two other people come to Kasumi.
People 1: "Are you Toyama-san from Tokyo? We think that he and his men capture hostages in the facility."
Kasumi: "Yes, but where is it?"
People 2: "Somewhere near here. You're very close to that place. By the way, there are some police officers who will give you guns during your mission."
Kasumi: "Okay, thank you!"

The girls meet police officers to get the guns, and they go to the facility, seizing the entire building in 10 minutes, killing Trevor's men, but they didn't find the hostages.
Aya: "We can't secure any hostages... It seems like we are wasting our time."
Ran: "(*sigh*) Guess we'd better go somewhere precisely. If Yukina dies because of him, it is Kasumi's-"
Kasumi: "Look! Over there! There is a prisoner ship!"
LAYER: "He hijacked that ship like, 30 minutes ago."
Kasumi: "What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

They then go to the prisoner ship, securing every places, killing every henchmen they encountered, and are able to meet Trevor 2 minutes before the deadline. The girls confront him.
Trevor: "Heh heh heh. Finally, we're meeting each other. Well, Kasumi, tell me what do you need with the hostages."
Kasumi: "I want them to be released! No one is not released!"
Trevor: "Not so simple. To release every prisoners, it's not as simple as you thought. The key is what you are finding right now. But sadly, I don't bring a key-"
Kasumi: "No keys? I got a gun from your dead man, you dimwit!" (draws a handgun)
Trevor: "Stop! Don't shoot me! Promise me, I will release every hostages here, you can have your friend free. I promise."
Kasumi: "Don't lie!"
Trevor: "I'm not lying. Seriously. (moves backward as Kasumi is about to shoot him) If you dare to shoot me, you will never be able to release hostages. (slowly picks up the bomb detonator) If you want a key, then take this!" (draws a detonator and explodes the walls, revealing them as guards shooting the roof)
Girls: [shocked]
Trevor: "Arrest them. Take their guns, too. (the guards arrest the girls and take their guns) Now. I want to take every actions of you, seriously. No exceptions. Before I brief someone here... Gentlemen, bring those girls but Kasumi out from the ship. We'll move into somewhere else. But you two, stay here. (the guards bring out the girls but lets Kasumi in as she stands between two guards)

After confrontation, Kasumi, now with her hands chained in the back, is briefed by Trevor.
Trevor: "Perfect. Kasumi, listen to me closely. Well, it is only you to figure out how to save your friends, even yourself. I don't even say you are unworthy, even in my heart I don't ever say insults to you. Because I'm not supposed to do that. It's really bad. At this moment, I lied on releasing hostages. I mean, one of the hostages will be kept as a hostage. You can release the hostages whatever you want, but one of them will still be taken. If you can still survive here, you're very lucky. But now, I'll leave the rest of the actions in this ship to my guards. Men, you know what to do in this ship. I'll see you later."

Trevor leaves, takes Yukina from the prison, and brings her with his men to the eastern Chiba.

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