An interview with starryepiphany by booohh

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starryepiphany: Wow really? Well, that's amazing. Oh shoot, yes I remember you mentioned that in one of the chapters of 3arab Down Under :) Yes you'll pull a similar expression if you look at my laptop as well :P

Well the best thing is pretty evil actually. There's something called Dev Tools. If you right click on any webpage and select Inspect Element, a geeky looking box opens up at the bottom of the screen showing some codes. Now if you tweak those values you can literally "rape" a webpage! You can pull things out, break things and do what not! Let me give you an example: in 5 minutes I can make the Gmail login page absolutely hilarious. I can make it look cartoonish like with circular buttons, change the text to something horrible and apply a weird background. ROFL.

booohh: LOL although it's not my thing, I have to admit it sounds really fun. It pulls the creativity out of you and that was something I always admired about my sister too. If you could go back and change your career, would you?

starryepiphany: Oh yeah, definitely. Gosh, I wanted to be so many things when I was a kid. Breaking news: I still do! LOL.

booohh: Really? What else do you want to be?

starryepiphany: Pilot, F1 Racer, Linguist, Travel writer, Marine biologist, Professional swimmer... gosh, I should stop here!

booohh: Wow that's quite the variety haha, a Marine Biologist would be amazing though :O. OK so, tell us what your average day is like, from day to night.

starryepiphany: It's pretty hectic actually. I guess you can describe it consisting of "dings, pings and buzzes" ‘cause during a major part of the year, we (my family) are scattered in different places. And I'm like "always doing everything". I really don't have something like "ah it's over now, I can sleep in peace". Work. Drive. Pray. Reply. Work. Reply. Read. Work. Pray. Reply. Work. Drive. Pray. Reply. Something like that LOL. 

However, the only time I shut myself out from everything is during Fajr (dawn prayer). 

booohh: Wow, that sounds full on! Although I guess that's what most people's lives are like now, no one has time to just relax. Do you find it hard living apart from your family?

starryepiphany: Yes I do. Although my entire life so far has been like this, I still am not used to it. But no matter what, the feeling when you get to do those crash-hugs, shrieks and fist bumps at the airport after ages... well, I consider this kinda life a gift. After all, I don't think we could have been so "close" had we lived together. I guess when something's taken away from you, you realise it's true worth... thank you distance, although you suck :P

booohh: Beautifully said :') it really is true though, the cliche saying of you don't realise the value of something until it's gone is applicable. Seven months ago my sister and niece moved overseas and I believe that I will never get used to it either. 

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