The Girl In The Interview Room- PearlandIvory_ by TruffleQueen

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Hola? Hello? Okay , you're right.....


 It's @TruffleQueen. Glad to meet you. You want some chocolate? Here , help yourself :)

So who is the awesome author I will be interviewing?

Can you guess? No? It's cool. I'm here to tell you! Do y'all know the book ,

"The Girl In The Green Scarf " Hamsa's is the girl. That book had :

 91.7K Reads. 4.3K Votes . 3.3K Comments

But in this version of the book ,

"The Girl In The Interview Room" My friend , PearlandIvory_ is the girl.  And this book will get...

I have no clue. Let's see!

And here is what she was doing before I went ahead and interrupted her with a mind-blowing question.

*PearlandIvory's POV*

 Would this lecture just end already? I thought, letting out a heavy sigh.

Three hours of Parasitology is just too much. As Professor Abu AlGasim went on about the pathology of Tape worms, I dug into my purse and took out my mobile phone. Switching it on, I groaned when the tiny numbers blinked back at me evilly.

This torture is not ending soon. I might as well spend the remaining ten minutes doing something fun. With this thought in mind I switched on my data and watched as the notifications raided my phone. I skipped all of them and jumped straight to Wattpad-related notifications, all the while making sure that my phone is well hidden from the Professor.

TruffleQueen posted on your message board.

I clicked on my new notification, eagerly - and ever so impatiently - waiting for the page to load. When it did, I scrolled down to check the message. It said that I should check my inbox for something very interesting.

Intrigued, I headed to my inbox, and just as the message on my message board mentioned, I found a private message from TruffleQueen. As I skimmed through the message, squinting my eyes, I let out a laugh, but then quickly regained my self-control as the Prof. shot me a glare that could kill. This had got to be a joke, I thought, an interview with me on Booklovers_Talk?

Of course it was a joke. It said I was a great author , skeptical and still dazed, I replied to the oh-so-sweet user, saying that I would LOVE to!

I was too absorbed by my phone, smiling like an idiot and didn't hear the Prof. calling out my name for the attendance check. My best friend nudged my elbow with hers and I quickly looked up, eyes wide to meet the Professor's appraising ones.

"Wala' Adel, do you feel like shouting out a yes or should I just cross out your name?" he asked.

"Uh, Yes Sir!" I uttered, sounding like an idiot.

Shaking his head at him, he ticked the box beside my name and then went along to call another name. My friend turns to look at me again, eyes questioning.

"What got into you just now?" She asked.

A grin broke across my face and I suspected my eyes were glistening.

"You won't believe what just happened."


And yes .... It was not a joke :D Glad I made her smile though!

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