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The princess glared  at her reflection in the mirror,her aura giving off a deadly feeling.As the future monarch of Etheria,she was required to attend the traditional ball that happened before every new coronation.The ball was an important event because dignitaries and nobles from all around the Republic Of Azarac would arrive and pay their respects to the new monarch.Maybe even forge new alliances.But princess Scarlet did not want to go.

Going to the ball meant she would be rubbing shoulders with all the nobles who only wanted to use her for power.That was the whole reason princess Scarlet did not venture out of the west wing of the castle.People love to take advantage of someone who was a higher tier than them.That was just the way every person thought and acted towards royalty.

Now the reason the princess was fuming in her private quarters was because,not only had the maids but her in very frilly ballgown,but she was told she had to be 'friendly' with one of the nobles who would be attending the ball,specifically a few of the nobles from the Kingdom of Redmont and the Kingdom of Vizari.

Those two kingdoms have had a few mishaps along the way with Etheria. Once,Vizari tried to steal from Etheria before the alliance. Redmont was suspected of her parents deaths.So the princess was not on good terms with any kingdom at this moment in time.

She was still in mourning. Tradition was that if someone passed away in the family,they had to stay in their quarters for 7 days and 7 nights.However,the princess had duties to attend.She had to make sure the king and queen were properly buried in the Etherian way.She had to make sure everything was in order.She had to see to  the castle staff and whether they had gotten their wages and their family had something to eat.

She had to make sure the coronation would go smoothly,her own coronation, that there was guards posted by every door and corner,their magic at least in the higher tiers.Although she hasn't issued the orders that she had to be protected at all costs,it was her governess.Lady Malia.

Lady Malia was and elderly female who was very close to the queen.Her governess was supposed to teach her the ways of royalty,but now she would be the princesses most trusted lady.Princess Scarlet had known Lady Malia her whole life,it was only fair that the governess looked after her.

As she stared at herself in the looking glass,her expression haunting,she remembered another memory.


Seven years of age,Scarlet stood in front of the looking glass and smiled.She was wearing a beautiful  dress.Her mother had gave it to her for her 7th birthday,saying it was her grandmother who made it for her before she was born.

It was a beautiful dress,which reached up until her knees.It was light red in color with  beautiful embroidery  at the bottom.The embroidery looked like leaves and a few flowers here and there.In the middle of the flowers with tiny silver gems.The sleeves came until her elbow with lace at the edges.

Scarlet thought it was rather fancy for a 7 year old,but her mother had specifically instructed her  to wear it.She wondered what could be so important that she had to wear such a fancy dress.

A knock on the door snapped her out of her daydreaming. She walked over to the door and opened it,revealing her mother.The queen of Etheria was a very beautiful woman.With fire red hair that reached down her waist and beautiful forest green eyes,she reminded Scarlet of a siren.

She  had read about sirens in the castles library.They were also beautiful creatures.But they used their beauty for ill purposes.She learned how they would sing beautiful melodies,luring sailors down to the depths of eternal pain.Her mother would sing too.She would sing when Scarlet couldn't sleep.Her mothers voice would float through the castles walls,creating a sense of calmness and serenity. 

She realized her mother was different from the sirens.Her mother loved and protected her,while sirens would abandon their young and let them fend for themselves.She mother used her power for good whilst sirens abused their powers.

Scarlet was always grateful for a mother and queen like that.She hoped one day she would be the same.


Lady Malia sat in the dining hall alone and stared at all the letters that was meant for princess Scarlet.All the letters were stamped with the official Redmont stamp.One letter stated that they wanted to create an alliance and the other letter said they needed materials for building a new castle.The letter said one of the princes of Redmont wanted princesses Scarlet's hand in marriage.

She chewed her lip nervously,knowing that the princess would not like it.She had made it clear to everyone that she did not have an interest in marriage.She knew also that Redmont was not on good terms with the princess.

She really wanted princess Scarlet to get married,because,as the late queens sister,she wanted the best for her niece.She was very close to the princess,being the first one to watch the princess start crawling as the king and queen were duties.She also was the one to her the baby's first words.It was like she was a second mother to princess Scarlet.

She wanted her to get married and have a king rule by her side,someone who would bring happiness and laughter.Over the years,as the princess matured,many people had asked her hand in marriage.She remembered the first time,a noble came up to the princess during a ball and asked her to be his bride.She,however,declined.

But the princess has proved she didn't need a male to rule by her side.She was extremely independent and hard-headed.Her fiery temper and even her magic had many people fearing her.Princess Scarlet was one of the few elite tiers.Her magic was dangerous,which resulted her staying all the time in her quarters in the west wing.

But now she would have to step up and rule,putting all her differences aside.As many say,the apple doesn't fall far from the tree,because the late king and queen were elite tiers too.They were powerful;but not as powerful as princess Scarlet.

But when you are too powerful,you realize you are also dangerous.


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